Chapter 131

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Chapter 131 Cai Suya hasn't been so surprised for a long time,......

    Cai Suya has not been so surprised for a long time,

    "Why are you here?"

    Cai Suqing raised her eyes slightly and looked at her, the corners of her lips slowly raised, revealing a very soft smile, "Suya, are you back? Hurry up? Come and sit."

    Naturally, as if she was the master here.

    Cai Suqing really didn't want to play tricks, she was used to it. From childhood to adulthood, the two sisters have the initiative in her hands, because their parents ignore them all the year round, "Cai Suya" obeys her sister's words, obedient and obedient, as well-behaved as a little white rabbit.

    "Su Ya, this is your elder sister." Yao Huan said with a smile, "You don't look very much like Eh."

    Cai Suqing heard the words and looked at Cai Suya with a beaming smile. The moment her eyes fell on her face, The smile seemed to be frozen.

    She had not listened to the same words before, but the subtext of the person who said it all implied that Cai Suya was inferior to her.

    But suddenly, Cai Suqing became a little uncertain.

    The younger sister she is most familiar with, her facial features and appearance have not changed at all, but her demeanor and temperament are not at all similar to her memory.

    To say that it is not clear on the screen, now facing each other, Cai Suqing suddenly has a feeling that she is just a stranger who looks exactly like her sister.

    Cai Suya put down her bag, walked to Cai Suqing and sat down, took an orange from the table, and slowly peeled it off, "Is my sister here to see me?"

    Cai Suqing responded immediately and said with a soft smile, "My parents two days ago. Call me and ask about your situation, I think I haven't seen you for a long time, so I'll ask the show team to give the two of us a chance to get together." She took Cai Suya's hand affectionately, "Look at how you look. Well, I can rest assured, there are still two weeks, when you finish recording, my sister will take you to play abroad."

    Yao Huanhuan sat on the other side of Cai Suqing, seeing this, her clear black eyes showed a little envy, and she couldn't help sighing. After saying, "Suya, your sister is so nice."

    "I've wanted a brother and sister since I was a child, but unfortunately my parents gave birth to me."

    "Yes," Cai Suya raised her lips slightly, "My sister is so wonderful."

    Her curved eyes With a slight glance, it was transferred from Yao Huanhuan to Cai Suqing, quite a bit like watching a good show.

    If it weren't for her involvement, the two would have had a lot of trouble with each other in the original plot.

    Cai Suqing can allow Cai Suya and Qin Shaoqi to form a pair. First, she can be sure that Qin Shaoqi will not be indifferent. After all, she has known each other for so long, and she should have liked it a long time ago. Second, Cai Suya is her sister, and fat water does not flow to outsiders. , If it is said that Qin Shaoqi really likes her, Cai Suqing is also confident that she can hold this sister in her palm. At that time, what benefits will be hers.

    In comparison, Yao Huanhuan, who was supposed to be getting closer and closer to Qin Shaoqi in the variety show, really became her thorn in her side. Cai Suqing was so angry, seeing that Cai Suya was retreating under the oppression of public opinion, she simply rolled up her sleeves and went up on her own.     Yao Huanhuan also waited for her to come back to find out that the Bai Yueguang that Qin Shaoqi had been thinking about was not Cai Suya, but her sister. Afterwards, there was a sad, jealous quarrel, break up and reconciliation. After the whole process, she and Qin Shaoqi finally settled down. It is finally married.     Of course, Cai Suqing didn't lose to Yao Huanhuan, but she saw that Qin Shaoqi was really moved to Yao Huanhuan, for fear that she would turn against him if she continued to make trouble, so she had to take a step back and continue to be her gentle and kind sister.     Therefore, it is impossible to say which of the two of them will win.     From start to finish, the only sure loser was Cai Suya, who died early.     At this time, Jiang Guqiu, who had been waiting quietly, said, "Since Cai Suya's sister came to see her on purpose, let's not disturb the reunion of the two sisters."     Everyone agreed after hearing this, and Cai Suqing looked at her with a smile. Xiang Cai Suya, "So Suya, will you wait for me to wander around?"

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