Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 "You..." The Empress Dowager settled down, "You...

    "You..." The Queen Mother calmed down, "What do you mean by that?"

    She stared at her round belly, "This child, is it from Yanchao?" In the end, the voice became Sharp, "He's a eunuch!"

    Cai Suya was a little unhappy, "I said he's not."

    "Could the queen mother know better than me whether he is a eunuch?" She deliberately stiffened her stomach, "Look, The evidence is all here!" The

    Queen Mother was very angry, "You you you..." She turned over and over again, except for those words such as "unscrupulous and shameful" and "disobedient to women's morals", she couldn't say anything new.

    Cai Suya soon lost interest, "You should save yourself some strength, look at the state of the emperor, you will have to worry more in the future."

    Only then did the queen mother realize the strange quietness of Emperor Liang. Logically speaking, he should is the angriest one.

    She turned her head to look, only to find that Emperor Liang had closed his eyes and fainted at some point, and foam was still coming from his slightly open mouth. The Queen Mother panicked instantly and reached out to pat his face,

    "Linger? Ling Son!"

    She yelled at Cai Suya anxiously, "Don't hurry up and call the imperial doctor!"

    Cai Suya said slowly, "What's the hurry, there will be an imperial physician every day, just wait for one night."

    Listen, this is what he said Human talk?

    The queen mother glared at her furiously, wishing to use her sharp eyes to smash her to pieces.

    However, the situation was pressing, and the queen mother did not dare to go all out. After all, Emperor Liang couldn't die, that was because the child in Cai Suya's belly had not yet grown up, but she, the queen mother, didn't care.

    I've never heard of a prince who had to have a grandmother.

    She could only use all her strength and sweat profusely after Cai Suya and the two left, and finally carried Emperor Liang back to the bed, and sat down on the foot of the bed herself, even if she went to burn a basin of hot water to wipe his face. The strength is gone.

    The Empress Dowager stared blankly at the bloodless Emperor Liang, and for a while, her heart was full of indescribable irony.

    This is the glory and wealth that their mother and son have worked hard to calculate!

    I don't know how the emperor would feel when he saw this scene.

    He was afraid that King Duan would snatch the throne from himself, so he couldn't wait to destroy the whole family. In the end, the dragon chair fell on King Duan's grandson.

    It was ridiculous.

    I don't know how long it took, the half-drowsy queen mother felt a warm dawn shining on her face through the window lattice, and she suddenly reacted, she had no sleepiness, and it was dawn.

    "The imperial physician!" "Where

    is the imperial physician who came to diagnose the emperor's pulse?!"

    However, no matter how anxious the Empress Dowager was, there was never a shadow of an imperial physician.

    When someone from the palace came to bring them meals, the queen mother learned from their mouths that the queen suddenly launched last night. When the first ray of morning light came out this morning, she gave birth to the eldest prince, named "Xu".

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