Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 "Prince Concubine!" Cai Suya was caught off guard...

    "Prince Concubine!"

    Cai Suya was awakened unexpectedly, and looked up, showing a trace of surprise: "His Royal Highness, why are you here?"

    That's what she said, when she was still in that leisurely attitude, she didn't at all. You should stand up and salute consciously.

    In the next second, her beautiful eyebrows showed a bit of apology, "The concubine has been unwell in the past few days, so I won't salute you. After all, we are husband and wife, so you don't have to be so polite, right?"

    Prince Hei calmly A face, put it normally, he will naturally be angry that she doesn't know the rules, but now he can't care about it.

    "Who is this person?!" He coldly looked at the figure kneeling on the ground with his head bowed, resisting his anger, and asked sharply.

    Cai Suya chuckled: "This is the little eunuch in the concubine's palace, called Xiao Ningzi, why, His Highness is also interested?"

    "Eunuch?" , I thought it was a wild man who was pretending to be a eunuch to have a tryst with the crown princess. The humiliation and anger of betrayal rushed into my heart, and I almost couldn't hold back a slap in the face... Fortunately, I didn't lose my temper,

    "You look up, Let me take a look at Gu."

    Xiao Ningzi raised his head slowly, his eyes drooping, but he respectfully did not raise his eyes, "The servant has seen His Royal Highness."

    He did indeed have a good face.

    The eyebrows are like thick fog, the eyes are like lacquer, and the bridge of the nose is high, and the already superior face is decorated to be more handsome, the lips that glow with light luster are flat and straight, and the expression is full of unmoving silence like a mountain, invisible. It neutralizes the surprise brought by a lot of looks, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

    The prince looked at him carefully, and suddenly said, "Did Gu Gu meet you somewhere?"

    Before he could answer, Cai Suya's brisk voice sounded first, "Oh yes, last time my concubine went to greet you, but you were busy with government affairs and it was inconvenient to meet each other, so the concubine planned to go back. It was also a coincidence, as soon as I turned around, I happened to meet you. Xiao Ningzi, I just brought him back, I didn’t realize that he was really always with his concubine’s heart, and sure enough, even the servants are hiding dragons and crouching tigers beside His Royal Highness.” The

    prince remembered in a trance, Deng Fang seemed to have come to report to him. After a while, the princess asked to see something like that.

    But at that time, he was busy serving the emperor, and he had no time to pay attention to the women in the backyard. Not only the crown princess, but also the condolences of other concubines to please him.

    "Since it's the person who serves Gu," the prince could not hide his dissatisfaction, "the prince took it without asking?" The

    prince looked at him in surprise, "but aren't you and your concubine husband and wife? In your heart, concubine is more important!" The crown prince was

    dumbfounded, his face turned blue,

    "... This is not a matter of slaves or slaves."

    "Lonely things, is it that the crown princess just takes things like this? Have you ever Put Gu in your eyes!"

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