Chapter 144

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Chapter 144 Although this teacher is angry, most of them...

    Although the teacher was angry, most of them were annoyed and shocked by being contradicted. Even if he heard Cai Suya calling the police, he did not mean to feel guilty or panic.

    She narrowed her eyes slightly, and saw a bit of disdain and certainty from the other party's attitude, and vaguely understood her current situation.

    Cai Suya's eyes turned, and a slight smile suddenly appeared on her lips, "If I dare, it depends on who is standing in front of me."

    "If it were you, I would definitely dare, but if it was someone else. , I might really be afraid?" It

    sounded like she was resigned, but listening carefully, it was clear that she didn't take her seriously.

    The teacher's face turned blue and red, and the fire in her eyes became more intense. She took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Get out first!"

    "I will definitely tell your parents about your performance today. Say it!"

    Cai Suya raised her eyebrows, turned around and left the classroom in coordination, ignoring the sudden burst of discussion behind her and the teacher's angrily shouting "Quiet!".

    She may have just been in the bathroom, when Ai Jia grabbed her hair and pulled her back and accidentally knocked it against the wall. At first, her memory was blank, she did things by instinct, but now she is much better, and her confused memory has changed little by little to be clear.

    She is Cai Suya.

    A "oil bottle" who married into a wealthy family with her own mother.

    Obviously, her mother's way of ascending the position is more criticized, which has led to the fact that the three sons under the stepfather are very disgusted with their mother and daughter, and this disgust gradually from them, Spread to their social circle, and then spread to the entire upper class.

    These days, Cinderella is despised, let alone Cai Suya's mother's typical Cinderella stepmother.

    However, the stepfather's wealth and status are not bad, even if some people despise her mother, few dare to show it in front of her.

    But Cai Suya is different.

    All her contacts are "children".

    Underage, arrogant, willful, arrogant, reckless... These few adjectives combined are not enough to describe the complexity of the people around her.

    Cai Suya ran all the way to the rooftop, and the cool wind blew head-on, which made her mind suddenly sober a lot. Although she keenly felt that there was something wrong, but she couldn't figure it out.

    The immediate troubles are the ones that should be solved the most.

    After a while, the school bell rang in the huge campus. Cai Suya looked down and saw many students coming out of the teaching building. Several people gathered together, talking, laughing, and playing, just like ordinary middle school students. .


    A worried voice came from beside her. Cai Suya turned around and looked at the person who came. After a few seconds, she remembered who she was, "Shu Tian."

    Shu Tian was not too pretty. But it is very close to the human eye, with bulging cheeks, white and tender skin, a pair of big almond eyes that become crescents when they smile, and paired with the shallow pear eddies on both sides of the cheeks, as the name suggests, her existence is perfect The interpretation of a "sweet" word.

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