Chapter 126

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Chapter 126 Zhao Fei noticed the strangeness between the other three...

    Zhao Fei noticed the strange atmosphere between the other three. She took a few steps forward subconsciously, walked to Fu Lun's side, and changed the subject, "How many coins are you going to exchange?"

    - If she didn't speak again, she would be abruptly scolded. Lined into a passerby.

    Fu Lun was still dazed and surprised, didn't hear her words clearly, pointed in the direction Cai Suya left, and said in a daze, "Did she do it on purpose?"

    "Ah? Ignore me on purpose!"

    As if angry, But if you listen carefully, there is a bit of a sour taste in it, and Zhao Fei's heart is also sour after hearing it. Her tone becomes cold, showing a bit of unwillingness,

    "Then you will know if you ask her."

    She This sentence is an angry remark. I didn't think that Fu Lun took it seriously. He immediately exchanged 500 yuan of game currency from the counter, and went to Cai Suya and the two men aggressively, "Hmph, I have to let them both lose under the hands of the young master. Once!"

    Otherwise, you wouldn't even know what he was doing!

    After taking two steps forward, he remembered that there was another Zhao Fei behind him. After hesitating for two seconds, Fu Lun took another empty frame, grabbed two large handfuls of game coins, and generously handed them to Zhao Fei. ,

    "Hey, these are for you to play with."

    Zhao Fei's face was expressionless, only the sound of heavier breathing betrayed her inner agitation and bullying,

    "I'm really thankful, thank you, you!" She said word by word. .

    Fu Lun smiled, "You're welcome, just play, I'll treat you today!"

    Very generous!

    Then, then, Zhao Fei watched him quickly rush towards Cai Suya and Qin Shaoqi. After a while, the three of them mingled together and gathered around the two game consoles simulating racing cars.

    [Where is xswl dating? It's obviously a high school student who skips classes to play games in the video game city]

    [The combination of arrogant school bully VS beautiful school girl VS high-cold school god is absolutely amazing! 】

    [I also watched an idol drama while watching a variety show, well, it's not a loss]

    [No... Do you still remember Zhao Fei? 】

    【Huh? Who is Zhao Fei? ]

    Of course Zhao Fei couldn't see the words on the barrage, but it didn't affect her gloomy mood.

    Ask herself, she does have the urge to use the recording of this reality show to restore Fu Lun. She was also young at the beginning. Since her debut, she has been smooth sailing. She was spoiled to a certain extent. When she got angry, she blurted out "break up". Originally, she wanted to tell Fu Lun to put down her body to coax her, but she was more arrogant and self-willed. This sentence, also angrily threw the sentence "break up, break up".

    Although less than a year has passed, during this period of time, without Fu Lun's implicit and explicit influence and help, Zhao Fei's development and transformation in China could not be called smooth. This year, she was completely on her own. , all use the network resources she built abroad in her early years to maintain her dignity. If she does not make breakthroughs, these network resources will leave her sooner or later.

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