Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 After this period of observation, Cai Suyan can...

    After this period of observation, Cai Suya can be sure that Chen Xiaofen has no ill will towards her, at least not now. It is more like a deliberate attempt to please her. Every move is quietly participating in her daily life. The son wants to take care of it, but Chen Xiaofen doesn’t mention Shito at all.

    When someone asks, she just expresses embarrassedly that the stepmother is difficult to be a stepmother, and Shishi has been spoiled by his grandmother. The part of the body that was crooked was corrected.

    On this day, Wang Hehua sent her children to school, but Chen Xiaofen came over early with a bunch of flowers just picked from the branches, she said with a smile, "You are inconvenient now, and you can't go downstairs often to walk outside. Now , the flowers are splendid, and they look beautiful."

    "I asked and said that if I could pick a few flowers, I would bring them all to you. It's good to smell them."

    Cai Suya chuckled lightly . She said, "Thank you, I like it very much."

    She went to get a long water glass, filled it with water, and filled it with flowers, her eyes were full of eyes, "It smells really good."

    Chen Xiaofen heard the words , The eyes lit up, and the smile became more and more happy, "As long as you like it." The

    two sat down and chatted a few words, Cai Suya seemed to suddenly remembered and asked her, "Xiaofen, it's spring now, you two The child's illness should be     healed , right?"

    "You have to pick up the troops as soon as possible, or let your mother-in-law take care of them, don't you worry? "

I also thought about it."

    "But there are only a few people in the family, if you take them over, there must be an adult to send them. When the time comes, my mother-in-law and her..."

    She hesitated, and finally showed a wry smile,

    "I sincerely I don't want to trouble you any more."

    Cai Suya sighed helplessly, "What should I do then?"

    "Now that the stone stays with you and Commander Wang, there is no need to worry."

    "But what about your own child?"

    Chen Xiaofen murmured, not knowing what to say.

    Cai Suya frowned slightly, "If it's hard for you to say this, I'll mention it to Dingbang and let him tell Commander Wang."

    "You can't just focus on one child and forget about the other two, right?"

    Chen Xiaofen was surprised, She quickly said, "No need."

    "Stone has never had a mother since he was a child. He should have loved him a little more. Besides..." She hesitated and sighed before opening her mouth, implying that Battalion Commander Wang had a difficult childbirth for him. The dead ex-wife is obsessed.

    "I can't say these words to others." There was a bit of bitterness in her eyes, "You can only say a few words in front of you."

    Chen Xiaofen pursed her lips and said hesitantly, "Su Ya, some I've been wanting to ask you, but I'm afraid you'll get angry..."

    After a while, she didn't see Cai Suya answer, she quietly raised her eyes and glanced at her, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw her smilingly looking at her. Jump.

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