Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 Cai Suya went to the kitchen to get three small bowls...

    Cai Suya went to the kitchen to get three small bowls, then picked up a small stone from the ground, covered one of the small bowls, and placed the other two beside it.

    "Guess what bowl is the small stone in?"

    Heidan pointed to the small bowl in the middle first, "This!"

    Tie Dan also followed his brother wholeheartedly, "I think it's this too!"

    Little girl, name It's called the Spring Equinox, she's a little older, not to mention that in this age, girls are basically sensible early, and she wondered how the third aunt would ask such a simple question, is there any fraud?

    But after thinking about it, she couldn't think of a second answer. After all, she just watched Cai Suya put the small stone in with her own eyes.

    "Just... the second one."

    The little brat next to her raised his head and glanced at his sister suspiciously. She always felt that her sister's hand was shaking while holding her neck collar, causing her to sway along... ...It's pretty funny,

    "Giggle!" She clapped her little hands and revealed a soft, toothless smile.

    "Really?" Cai Suya raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "You can't regret your bet."

    She slowly opened the small bowl in the middle, there was nothing under it, and the children in front of them all stared. Eyes closed, I couldn't believe it,

    "How could it be?!"

    "What about the stone? What about such a small stone?"

    "Wow, Aunt San

    , you are amazing!" Hiding it?"

    Cai Suya smiled and opened the small bowl on the left, "Nah, here it

    is." The three eldest children were shocked, their black and white eyes widened.

    In the eyes of the spring equinox looking at her, the color of precaution and vigilance quietly faded, pursed her lips, and whispered, "Can you do it again?"

    However, no matter how many times they came, it was the same, no matter how carefully they looked at her hand changing the bowl, they couldn't always guess the position of the stone.

    Tie Dan excitedly slapped his little hands red, "Aunt San, are you changing spells?" The

    Spring Equinox pulled him behind his back and whispered, "Tie Dan can't say that!"

    A few years ago, someone called the village fortune-teller mother-in-law . Her house was smashed, and she was beaten with blood all over her face. Although she was young at that time, the terrifying scene was still deeply imprinted in her memory. Grandma said, she can't say gods and ghosts now. Otherwise, their homes will be beaten, smashed and stolen by others.

    Having said that, the Spring Equinox also felt that her third aunt might be a fairy in the sky.

    After all, the gods can't be fair these days, secretly become an ordinary person, and it is possible to marry her third uncle.

    Spring equinox thinks like this, let alone black eggs and iron eggs.

    The two of them couldn't wait to get together and pester Cai Suya to make her change spells again.

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