Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Song Yu thinks better than her mother,


    Song Yu thinks better than her mother,

    "Aren't they two doing well now? How inappropriate it is for you to suddenly go to urge marriage. Song Yu said nonchalantly, "They are adults in their thirties, not young." Mother

    Song sighed lightly, "That's what I said, but I haven't decided yet. I always feel panic in my heart. If you say that the two of them are separated one day, will Xiaojue meet another person he likes?" ? To

    be honest, she felt hopeless.

    Song Yu said, "It's his life if he can't find it. Even if he gets married, he can leave. You want to be open. How old is Xiaojue, what do you worry about all day long about him?"

    At any rate, Mother Song looked relieved. In order to avoid her "

    relapse of old illness", Song Yu mentioned this when she was out shopping with Cai Suya, and comforted her by saying, "Don't worry, my mother is pure and simple." The desire to protect Xiaojue is excessive. "

    When I was pregnant with him, my mother accidentally fell downstairs, causing Xiaojue to give birth prematurely, and the situation was very dangerous. on his own head. "

    Cai Suya smiled, "I understand. Song

    Yu thought that she was also a mother. Maybe she could understand Song's mother's mood, and she was relieved, but she still held her hand and assured, "You and Xiaojue are good to be together, it's a matter of affection. No one else can get in on it. If my mother mentions this to you, just tell me, and I will persuade her. Cai Suya's heart skipped the words

    Song Yi said to her at the beginning, which was hilarious.

    Brothers and sisters who came out of the house have completely different personalities.

    She didn't care about this matter, and she didn't expect that when she went to Cai's house to pick up Xiaoyao on the weekend , Mother Cai also talked to her.

    It wasn't to force the marriage, but to ask her vaguely if her relationship with Song Jue was serious.

    "If you really plan to stay with him for a long time, you should let Xiao Yao get along with him more. This child is sensitive, don't make him feel like you want to leave him." Cai's father and Cai's mother were teachers. It is painful to notice Cai Yao's many careful thoughts hidden under the calm surface.

    Although this child didn't grow up under their noses, the pitiful things they observed and made up for are always more touching than what they said.

    Cai Suya blinked, "Don't worry?"

    She knew how much Mother Cai loves Xiao Yao, not even her own daughter.

    Mother Cai rolled her eyes at her angrily, "For the sake of the child, I have nothing to give up."

    Moreover, she had tested Xiao Yao in private. Although the child was more wary of her mother's closeness to others, she was more cautious about Song Jue. It doesn't contradict, I even like it a little bit.

    "Well then," Cai Suya said with a smile, "I see."

    She turned her head and took Cai Yao to Song Jue's place.

    When Song Jue opened the door, her eyes hadn't been able to focus on her smile as before, she took the first step and was attracted by another burning gaze in front of her.

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