Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 A week later, Zhan Kun also woke up. ...

    A week later, Zhan Kun also woke up.

    His condition was still serious, his whole body was limp and weak, and Zhan Kun almost thought he was paralyzed the moment he woke up.

    Fortunately, the doctor came over shortly after and explained his condition.

    The toxin in his body has damaged his internal organs to a certain extent, and at the same time there is another kind of poison with calming effect that has paralyzed his nerves. It is only because of the action of the two sides that the current predicament is caused. The paralysis of hands and feet will follow the treatment. Slow recovery, but whether there will be sequelae or not depends on the specific situation after recovery.

    This did not appease Zhan Kun's collapse and unease.

    Everyone knows that if the condition is serious, the doctor cannot directly tell the truth to the patient. And he really felt that he couldn't move his whole body. He was clearly conscious, but he couldn't even move his fingers below the neck. This kind of weakness and panic came from the bottom of his heart, and gradually swallowed all the reason in his mind. .

    Zhan Kun's eyes were red, and he looked at the doctor: "I... help..." The

    doctor sighed. If this happened in the past, he must have explained the patient's family to comfort him. The family members have been hospitalized for so long, and some people have called for medical expenses, but the family members have not seen a single one.

    "You can recuperate at ease, and you will get better slowly."

    Indeed, after three days, Zhan Kun still couldn't move, but at least he could talk.

    The police also came to take notes for him as usual.     Zhan Kun wanted to say that it was Cai Suya who poisoned him, but he was afraid that his plan to kill his wife would be exposed, so he planned

    to test it first, "Have you caught any suspects?"

The person who is the boss of Zhan can't rashly confess Cai Suya.

    Unexpectedly, the suspect mentioned by the police was something he had never thought of before - "Sun Qingying."

    Zhan Kun's face can't make any exaggerated movements, just a pair of beads almost popped out, "Who?"

    "No, it can't be her!"

    Sun Qingying was also forced by Cai Suya to pour him the glass of wine. Just as Zhan Kun was about to say this, he heard the police say, "Why is it impossible? Do you know who it is? The poison given to you?"

    Zhan Kun almost said Cai Suya's name, but at the last moment, he reacted suddenly, Cai Suya was able to fight back, which shows that he had seen through his plan with Sun Qingying and told her, Of course, it can clear Sun Qingying's suspicions, but he can't hide the fact that he planned to kill his wife and frame the boss of Zhan.

    Now Zhanjia is the boss of Zhan, once exposed, let alone save him, it is a kindness if he doesn't fall into trouble.

    But Sun Qingying is different.

    A dark light flashed quickly in Zhan Kun's eyes. At that time, Sun Qingying poured him that glass of red wine abruptly. He didn't hate it. If it wasn't for her, how could his relationship with Cai Suya deteriorate to the point where it is today.

    But even though Cai Suya knew he was going to kill her, she didn't kill him after all, but indirectly took him out of the murder suspect.

    One is Bai Yueguang, who has been pursuing for many years and never forgets it, and the other is his wife who gets along day and night and loves him deeply. Although Zhan Kun has paid a lot for the former, he is more willing to believe in the person who loves him deeply when it really comes to a critical moment.

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