Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 At the beginning, I knew that the third younger sibling suddenly...

    At the beginning, Zhou Lihua was overjoyed when she knew that the three younger siblings suddenly became noisy and were about to get divorced.

    These two sisters, one is arrogant and willful, the other is sensitive and hypocritical, they are natural enemies.

    However, Yu Mingxia is good-looking, and there are four brothers in the family. Her parents hurt her like eyeballs. The dowry alone costs 100 yuan. Compared with her, Zhou Lihua can't do anything. After thinking about it, only her husband is by her side all the year round, and she is gentle and considerate to her and can be used to show off.

    She also didn't expect that the more she showed off like this, the more resentment Yu Mingxia had against Xiang Dingbang, so much so that the day when it accumulated to the outbreak, there was such a big disturbance.

    Anyway, Zhou Lihua was happy.

    Yu Mingxia's reputation was ruined, and with her backing, the most unwelcome daughter-in-law in Aunt Xiang's eyes was successfully transferred from Zhou Lihua to Yu Mingxia.

    Even when she was driven back to her mother's house, Aunt Xiang threw the hundred yuan from her dowry in her face in a fit of anger, but it didn't stop Zhou Lihua from gloating.

    Her mother-in-law had always been strict and mean to her, but she treated her sister-in-law as her own daughter. Even if the hundred yuan was not returned to the Yu family, she would have to be coaxed by her sister-in-law sooner or later.

    Later, when Aunt Xiang chose a new daughter-in-law for Xiang Dingbang, Zhou Lihua was more attentive than she was, and she couldn't find someone who was as conscientious as the elder sister-in-law, nor could she be as arrogant as Yu Mingxia, with her four brothers as her. Backer, Zhou Lihua sometimes hates her so much that if she wants to slap her, she has to worry about whether her parents' family will make trouble.

    It can be said that in the final decision on Cai Suya, Zhou Lihua exerted a lot of power behind her.

    First of all, everyone said that she was an honest and submissive personality, and secondly, Cai Zhiqing was sent to the devolution for a few years, and the family hadn't seen him send letters a few times. It was obvious that she had no family to rely on.

    The more Zhou Lihua thought about it, the more beautiful she became. When Cai Zhiqing married and entered the door, the two of them joined forces to take advantage of her mother-in-law's partiality towards her third brother, so that she could compare her sister-in-law?

    However, she never imagined that the sister-in-law would not be able to compare, she would be squeezed by this harmless third sibling in the hearts of her own sons.

    These are all sons!

    Zhou Lihua opened her red eyes and stared straight at the attentive black eggs and iron eggs who brought tea and water to his third aunt. She couldn't tell whether it was jealousy or grievance. .

    "Mother, the dishes are ready." Jiang Daping came out of the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks smiling, and was stunned when she saw this scene, her eyes fell on the Spring Equinox who was also surrounded by Cai Suya, her brows furrowed, "Spring Equinox, your grandma Auntie is hungry, why are you so ignorant? Why don't you go to the stove to serve the meal!" The

    spring equinox responded, holding her sister in a bit of embarrassment, "Third aunt, can you take a look at Pinellia? She is very Be good."

    Once she went to work and put Pinellia on the kang, but she fell and hurt her head, almost leaving a scar, which shocked the spring equinox. Let the black eggs look at their sister, or tie her to a chair.

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