Chapter 178

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Chapter 178 On the day Cai Suya and Lin Yu got engaged, the Xi family only...

    On the day of Cai Suya's engagement with Lin Yu, only Xi Yin came to the Xi family.

    According to her thoughts, it's fine if the Xi family doesn't come alone, but at such a critical moment, there should still be her maiden's family there. But Cai Suya was selfish and didn't want Cai Yi to appear, so she asked Xi Yin.

    Xi Yin readily agreed and attended the engagement banquet as Cai Suya's eldest brother.

    As the leader who rescued the Xi family from the desperate situation of falling to the bottom, Xi Yin's reputation in the circle is even higher than before. Although the Xi family is not very reliable, when Xi Yin accepts all the industries, the future prosperity is foreseeable.

    Many of the guests who attended had heard of Cai Suya's name of "Drag Bottle", but seeing Xi Yin's care and care for her, she seemed to treat her as a real sister. When they looked at Cai Suya again, The eyes are no longer "the lucky guy who climbed high and married into a wealthy family at a young age", but "what ability does she have to make Xi Yin pay so much attention to her foreign sister?", especially when Xi Yin gave her congratulatory speech. , publicly announced that he had transferred 5% of the shares in his name to Cai Suya as her engagement gift, the audience was silent for a moment, and a few seconds later, thunderous applause gradually gathered.

    Cai Suya could feel that they couldn't help glancing at her with the exclamation of "Could she be guzzling?!"

    Cai Suya caressed her palms and smiled, her brows were full, and she looked at Xi Yin's eyes with a shimmering light.

    Instead, Lin Yu felt a little awkward. He bowed his head and whispered in her ear, "Your step-brother is really good to you."

    "The shares that were given to both brothers were easily given to you."

    Cai Suya's eyes lighted Turning around, he glanced at him, "Xi Mu Xiye can't get the shares, who's to blame?"

    It wasn't the Lin family who persuaded Xi Tongfang to kick the two youngest sons out of the list of heirs for the future of the Xi family.

    Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, "Then who am I for?"

    Cai Suya secretly stretched out her hand from under the table, held Lin Yu's hand, and whispered, "Okay, is it because of me?"

    Her eyebrows were curved, with a clear light, "I will thank you very much at night. ?"

    Lin Yu: "..."

    He reluctantly raised his hand to cover her eyes, feeling the rapid heartbeat in his chest, thumping, thumping, wishing he could break through the skin and jump out directly.

    "Don't say such things, Xiaoya."

    Cai Suya turned her head back, trying to avoid his overly warm palm, "What?"

    She leaned over softly and leaned against him as if she was boneless. Side, "Mr. Lin, did you forget?"

    "I became an adult last month."

    Lin Yu's body froze, let her approach, the curvature of the lips raised faintly showing connivance and pampering, which made many Shuang An couldn't help staring at them for a moment.

    They used to be the second young master of the Lin family who was warm and amiable, but only after seeing his expression on his newly-baked fiancee did they know what a tenderness of affection was.

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