Chapter 133

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Chapter 133 But no matter how unwilling Fu Lun is, go on...

    But no matter how unwilling Fu Lun is, for the next week, it will be time sequence who has a serious reputation and can justifiably accompany Cai Suya.

    He could only watch helplessly as the two of them left early and returned late, not knowing where to go on a date day by day.

    For those guests who were forced to stay in the hut without company, the program team will give special treatment. They can choose to see or not to see the photos of the couples dating that day. Only Fu Lun and Qin Shaoqi chose to "see".

    He is like self-abuse, every time he looks at the harmonious and beautiful appearance of Cai Suya and Ching Ching in the same picture, he can get angry half to death, but he has to force himself to look down one by one, in front of the camera, his face is full of anger It is also terrifyingly gloomy.

    [Wuwuwu comfortable CP is too cruel! 】

    【Why didn't Cai Suya choose Fu Lun? 】

    【Who made him agree to go on a date with someone else last week? Deserved! ]

    [srds saw Fu Cub's pitiful appearance, his heart melted]

    [I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, "comfortable" CP is a natural pair! ]

    [Hehe, you didn't take our "secular" party in your eyes]

    [Shi Da Chong Duck! ! 】

    【Fufu Come on! ! 】

    Qin Shaoqi didn't get much better either. Since the filter that Cai Suqing had in his heart was broken, he couldn't help but recall the time when he was dating Cai Suya.

    Thinking about it, she and Cai Suqing are two completely different types.

    Cai Suqing said that only one-third of his love for him is in his actions, and the rest is in his mouth. Tender and sweet words often make him indulge in it.

    Cai Suya is on the contrary. She is not good at words, quiet and reserved, but she is considerate and considerate everywhere, and takes care of him in every possible way. If Qin Shaoqin hadn't focused on the frustrated relationship with Cai Suqing, he would have realized Cai Suya's many details. , the deep affection it contains.

    There is no regret, there are regrets.

    Qin Shaoqi's eyes darkened, and he stared at Cai Suya's soft smile on the screen.

    Has she laughed at him like that before?

    Can't even remember.

    He also found Fu Lun's ups and downs, or in other words, everyone in this hut found it.

    Fu Lun didn't mean to cover up, he openly revealed his changing emotions because of Cai Suya, and told everyone clearly,

    "I just like her!"

    This openness and courage made Qin Shaoqi unintentionally, also gave birth to A bit of envy.

    Maybe he didn't even realize that he had not completely removed the inferiority complex in his character for so many years. In Qin Shaoqi's subconscious, only Cai Suqing was the one who would never despise him at any time, so he liked her. , have love, but more, rely on trust.

    Now, this dependence and trust have been broken.

    Qin Shaoqi's feelings towards Cai Suqing naturally faded away.

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