Chapter 172

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Chapter 172 After the entire recording is over, in the eyes of the three, Lin...

    After the entire recording was played, in the eyes of the three of them, Lin Yu was still as unmoved and calm as a mountain.

    Xi Mu couldn't help frowning. Although he was still young, he had grown up under the eyes of a powerful elder brother for so many years, and he was very sensitive to some mysterious crises. For example, now, he had a hunch, they thought The handle may not fool Lin Yu.

    He glanced at Xi Ye subconsciously. The twins' natural tacit understanding made Xi Ye quickly understand what he meant. He looked at Lin Yu suspiciously, "Aren't you still thinking about doing something?"

    He raised his head, Imposingly, "Don't think about it, I have already copied this recording on the U disk separately, even if you can hack into my phone and delete it, as long as you can't get the U disk, I can copy it again at any time. ."

    "How terrifying the power of public opinion is, you must have seen it in He Ziqian. If it spreads out, even if you are a member of the Lin family, then in the eyes of others, you will be a wretched teacher who seduces underage girls!

    " Your crime is more serious than He Ziqian, isn't it?"

    He Ziqian's affair with Shu Yi, at least he is also a minor, so he can't be called a girl kidnapping.

    Hearing this, Lin Yu's calm gaze fell on Xi Ye along with the voice. A cool chill blew through his stamina. Xi Ye shivered like a conditioned reflex. alert.

    "I said," Lin Yu said with a smile, "what kind of confidence makes you think that Su Ya will harm me for some insignificant people and things?"

    Xu Zhi had already noticed something was wrong, listening to him Said, and quickly connected, "What do you mean?"

    Lin Yu smiled and stopped talking.

    A strong sense of unease gradually spread among the several people, until the piercing ringtone of the mobile phone broke the stalemate,

    - it was Xi Mu's mobile phone number that rang.     Xi Mu frowned

    , took out his mobile phone a little irritably, and saw that it was a call from his eldest brother, he was startled, and then he sank, "Hello? Brother?"

He had already taken the lead and said without doubt, "Xi Ye is with you?"

    "You let him go home immediately, the sooner the better!"

    After hearing Xi Yin's voice saying "Xi Ye", Xi Mu had already secretly shouted no Well, listening to his stern, serious, and hidden anger, Xi Mu is even more sure that something important has definitely happened, or it has something to do with Xi Ye.

    Xi Yin finally gave a warning, "If you are good for him, let him go home as soon as possible, otherwise no one can help him!" and hung up.

    Xi Mu was apprehensive, and there was some hesitation in his expression.

    It was at such an important time.

    But he still believed Xi Yin's words. Xi Mu calmed down, looked at Xi Ye and said, "Big brother asked me to take you home."

    Xi Ye was stunned: "Now?"

    Xi Mu nodded, " Right ."

    Immediately, he turned to Xu Zhi and said, "There is an urgent matter at home, you can deal with it first."

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