Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 However, there are still people who are really worried about...

    However, there are still people who really care and worry about Emperor Liang.

    Such as Xiao Heng and Cai Xiangling.

    Xiao Heng was the first to notice something was wrong.

    She passed the news that Emperor Liang was trapped in Qiankun Palace by Cai Suya to the Queen Mother, and she knew that the Queen Mother immediately left to visit Emperor Liang, but as soon as she arrived at Qiankun Palace, the news came out that she was also sick and was angry. Sick, the culprit is Xiao Heng.

    Rumors in the palace continued, saying that the queen mother knew about the scandal that Xiao Shufei had done, and she was so worried about the emperor's illness that her body couldn't bear it until she became ill. For a time, Xiao Heng was notorious, even if the lowest palace servant mentioned it. She didn't show the slightest respect, and she might even talk about how "deep boudoir and lonely" Concubine Xiao Shu was half-jokingly and half-sarcastically.

    Fortunately, Xiao Heng was imprisoned in Yanxi Palace.

    Xiao Heng knew in his heart that the reason why the rumors were rumors was that they were unfounded and unfounded. If she came forward to clarify, others would only treat her as a sophistry. The best way at the moment is to ask Emperor Liang to come forward and clear up these untrue remarks.

    But the key point is that she hadn't seen Emperor Liang for a long time.

    Every time I send someone to the Qiankun Palace, it's not that Emperor Liang is ill and can't see anyone, or that he clearly says he doesn't want to see her.

    Xiao Heng didn't believe it. She knew Emperor Liang. Since she dealt with Zhao Ke at the beginning, she knew that he didn't fully believe that she had an affair with Zhao Ke. In this case, when she was angry, why would she not listen to her explanation? Woolen cloth?

    Then the queen mother issued a decree to transfer all the power in her hands to the queen, which confirmed Xiao Heng's guess even more.

    The Empress Dowager and Emperor Liang must have been controlled by the Empress, and they may have encountered danger.

    Xiao Heng was ruthless and used all the contacts and resources in his hands. A few days passed, and there was no news at all. Those eyeliners that were originally hidden and hidden were exposed one after another, and most of them were damaged. Xiao Heng had no choice but to stop the loss in time.

    She lurked, thought about it, and finally remembered a person she had neglected for a long time.

    The Queen's sister - Cai Xiangling.

    When Cai Xiangling was favored, Xiao Heng was still in the cold palace.

    When she came out of the cold palace and was favored exclusively by Emperor Liang, Cai Xiangling was locked in Kunning Palace because she was pregnant. In fact, the two had never met.

    At present, the queen lives in the Qiankun Palace because of her illness, and she has not even left for the subsequent delivery and confinement. Xiao Heng took advantage of the emptiness and tried his best to pass the letter to Cai Xiangling.

    Cai Xiangling may not be so smart, but he loves Emperor Liang from the bottom of his heart.

    When he thought that he might be in danger, he couldn't care about anything, and hurried to Qiankun Palace.

    The palace people did not dare to stop her because of the empress.

    Who doesn't know that since the queen mother and the emperor fell ill, the queen is the ruler of the palace, and no one dares to offend her.

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