Chapter 98

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Chapter 98 The weight of Xiang Dingbang, even if he is obsessed at the moment...

    Xiang Dingbang's weight, even if he was in a daze at the moment, he consciously restrained a bit of strength, but Cai Suya still couldn't hold it.

    She lowered her head helplessly, stroked his hard hair softly, and said softly, "Are you drunk?"

    "Let me go first, and I'll get you some hot water, okay?"

    Xiang Ding Bang Tou moved slightly, and made a low "um", his tone was vague, but he also showed a different kind of low-pitched magnetism.

    Even though he said that, his two iron-chain-like arms were still firmly stuck on either side of her waist, and he had no intention of letting go at all.

    Cai Suya had no choice but to reach back, hold his big hand, and pull his arm down.

    As if unconsciously, he could still recognize her touch and break away invisibly, but he obediently obeyed her strength, let go of the strength on his hand, and wrapped her hand instead, pinching it.

    Cai Suya scratched his hair: "Are you really drunk, or are you pretending to be drunk with me?"

    Xiang Dingbang's head buried in her arms rubbed lightly, making her even more helpless, "We Xiangying Chang, are you acting like a spoiled child?"

    She sighed, "Okay, sit down quickly, and when you turn around, you make me smell like alcohol."

    Xiang Dingbang listened, suddenly there was movement, he sat up slightly, In the dark eyes, her expression seemed to be sluggish, she squeezed her hand again, and said seriously, "Go take a bath."     Cai

    Suya chuckled, "You know you are smelly now."

He was the one who came to boil the hot water, but in this state, Cai Suya was also afraid that Xiang Dingbang would accidentally set the house on fire.

    Besides, even if there is hot water now, Cai Suya couldn't help but glance up and down at Xiang Dingbang, making sure she couldn't carry him over to take a bath with her bare hands, "Get you a towel and wipe it off."

    She whispered, and was about to turn around to heat the hot water, but Xiang Dingbang was dissatisfied with her leaving, so he pulled her back again, Cai Suya was caught off guard and staggered and almost bumped into him,

    "What are you doing? !"

    She glared at him.     Xiang Dingbang

    looked straight at her, "I said, let's take a bath together."

    Cai Suya was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, "Where are you going to wash? We don't even have hot water in such a cold day."

She stood up without saying a word, she was still swaying just now, and now she is upright and motionless. She steadily pulled her to the bedroom,

    "I'll boil the water, it will be fine soon."

    Cai Suya said no Don't worry, after Xiang Dingbang left, he followed and peeked secretly. He really boiled water, and his movements were neat and smooth as usual, and there was no sign of drunkenness and confusion at all.

    She wondered if Xiang Dingbang was drunk, or was he acting in front of her?

    It wasn't until Xiang Dingbang came back after boiling the water, took her to the bathroom, released his hand, and took off his clothes seriously, that she was sure that this person was really drunk.

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