Chapter 165

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Chapter 165 Shu Yian sits quietly in the corner of the sofa,......

    Shu Yian sat quietly in the corner of the sofa, trying to reduce her presence as much as possible.

    She raised her eyes quietly, not easily aware that her eyes swept across several people around her: Xi Mu, Xi Ye, He Ziqian, Xu Zhi, Lu Fanqiao.

    It was all in the past, and she was looking forward to people who could one day shorten the gap between family backgrounds and classes.

    At first, Shu Yi didn't think she could enter Shengde, just like she had secretly concealed Xiaoluo's novel and submitted it in front of her own. At first, she just wanted to satisfy her little vanity. She never thought that such a novel could bring her so much glory and wealth.

    Even helped her get Sidley's admission ticket.

    If... Shu Yi was holding Sidley's admission letter, she was dizzy with joy, like a dream. If she can make a few more friends, the students inside will be rich or expensive, and gradually, hasn't her status changed?

    Or, is there a son from a famous family who has fallen in love with her?

    Shu Yi is only a teenager, no matter how precocious and daring, she has retained a little girlish innocence under the doting of her parents since she was a child. She knows that she is a Cinderella, so she is even more looking forward to finding a prince and bringing her to a happy life. future.

    As soon as she entered Shengde, she made friends with the surrounding classmates without a trace, and secretly inquired about the most prestigious boys in the school, the four of them, He Ziqian.

    The reason why Shu Yi chose to use He Ziqian as a breakthrough was because he was good enough to deal with.

    Lu Fanqiao is fascinated, Xi Mu is indifferent, and Xu Zhi is gentle and kind, but if he catches a lot of girls in the school who adore him, whoever shows even a little bit of admiration will turn his head and become the public enemy of the whole school.

    Shu Yi didn't dare to provoke him.

    Although He Ziqian is also very popular, due to his domineering and arrogant temper, few girls dare to approach, at most secretly in love, even if he does not dare to confess, for fear that He Ziqian will reply "ugly" and then die of shame and anger.

    Therefore, he was the safest. When Shu Yi quarreled with He Ziqian, the whole school thought they would not deal with it, and even He Ziqian himself thought that he hated Shu Yi and targeted her like that.

    Only Shu Yi has a clear mind in her own heart. She bought unique seeds in He Ziqian's heart little by little. One day, he will find out that she is "special" and it is too late to discard her.

    Shu Yi lowered her head silently, wishing she could bury her face in her chest, she regretted so much!

    She only saw the halo of He Ziqian and others, why did she ignore the trouble and danger around these rich people?

    "You really don't know who you are contacting?"

    Xi Ye couldn't help but ask again.

    Shu Yi was both irritable and helpless, "I don't know, I really don't know, didn't you all turn over my phone? How could I hide it from you?" She looked at Xi Ye with an undisguised look in her eyes. His resentment and anger, this boy who looked exactly like Xi Mu was so terrifying, he picked her up when he came up, and he exposed all of Shu Yi's private chats with her best friend.

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