Chapter 59

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Chapter 59 The once prosperous Yanxi Palace suddenly became lonely...

    The once-prosperous Yanxi Palace suddenly became lonely.

    But in the harem, there is never a shortage of women who can be favored by the emperor.

    Emperor Liang soon had his favorite concubine again. When he was in the East Palace, the ten beauties bestowed by the late emperor, Concubine Su was pregnant, Concubine Dong was silent, and Guiren Lu was alive and dead in the Shen Xing Division. Among the other seven people, there was a pair of surnames. Mao's sisters are born exactly the same, but have different styles. The elder sister is as cold as ice, and the younger sister is as bright as the sun. When they are placed together, the more they highlight the charm of each, and the contradiction is also irresistible.

    When he was still the prince, Emperor Liang wanted to take care of his own reputation and cultivate himself. Now that he is the master of the house, he can let him do whatever he likes.

    Announce the two sisters together to accompany the driver, indulge the night, full of wanton.

    Of course, he didn't forget Su Concubine who was pregnant.

    After a few days, I found time to accompany Concubine Su for a meal. Yesterday, I heard that it was rare to stay overnight in her palace, and I favored a little palace maid who served Concubine Su.

    The Qiuhua Palace was very noisy. Su Concubines relied on the child in her belly. During this time, she was held up to the sky by the Queen Mother and Emperor Liang. She herself is not a gentle and cautious temperament. How can she be willing to encounter such a big grievance all of a sudden Forbearance, he directly asked someone to tie up the palace maid who climbed the bed, and rushed to the Cining Palace to complain.

    "Empress Dowager, this cheap maid is so daring, she even took advantage of her unpreparedness to do such a humiliating act! She even told the emperor that her concubine asked her to serve the emperor!! This little goblin..."     "Okay. "The queen mother asked Fengyin and Gongquan not to solve these trivial matters. If it wasn't for Su Concubine, who was pregnant with her only grandson, the queen mother would have had her dragged out long ago, and her ears hurt because of the crying noise,     "Then you What should I do?"     Concubine Su, with tears in her eyes, said aggrieved, "Shouldn't such a cheap servant be killed as an example?"     She wasn't stupid either.

    As a concubine, rashly beating and killing a palace maid not only damaged her reputation, but it was also unreasonable in terms of rules. Only by letting the queen dowager take action can it be justifiable, and when others heard it, they dared not say that Su Concubine was wrong.

    Apparently it's smart.

    The queen mother glanced at her lightly, and the dark light flickered. If someone else came up to borrow her knife to kill someone, she would naturally not accept the move.

    However, the fetus in Concubine Su's womb is really precious. The Queen Mother is willing to hold Concubine Su like this and let her give birth to the little prince happily. As for whether she will live or die, that will be another story.

    "As you wish." As soon as the

    queen mother gave the order, a well-trained palace servant stepped forward, quickly restrained the little palace maid brought by Su Concubine, and dragged her away without even giving her time to beg for mercy. She stays.

    Concubine Su looked at her terrified and desperate eyes, and she was satisfied. She smiled coquettishly: "The Empress Dowager loves her the most." The

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