Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Out of responsibility for his students, the head teacher...

    Out of responsibility for the students, the head teacher took a photo containing the license plate and sent it to Cai Suya before sending Xiaoxing to the car, and the words were somewhat suspicious of the other party's identity.

    Cai Suya didn't shirk on purpose, she was really busy at the moment.

    "Su Ya, don't be restrained, just treat it as your own home." Mother Song pushed the fruit plate in front of her with a smile, her eyes fell on her with a smile, with an elegant demeanor and a friendly smile. Feeling a few scrutiny in her eyes, it also makes life not feel offended.

    Cai Suya had no elder relationship before, but fortunately, after entering this world, she has accumulated a lot of experience in the process of getting along with Cai's mother, and now it can be said that she is comfortable with it.

    At least in Song Jue's eyes.

    For him who is not good at words and never bothers to communicate with others, Cai Suya's ability to easily chat with strangers is amazing.

    In view of Sun Qingying's lesson, Song's mother didn't quite believe her own vision.

    So Song Yi, who was sitting quietly on the single sofa at the moment, watched his little brother staring straight at the smiling woman beside him, and a flower was about to bloom in the pure black eyes.

    He couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't help turning his head and whispered to Song Yu who had specially flown back from abroad, "I never expected to see this expression on Xiaojue's face."

    Song Yu glanced at him, "If you When I was a child, bullying him without seeing him every day would not force people to look like a dead person."

    "I said earlier that Sun Qingying's girl is not simple, but you and Dad both said that she is gentle and amiable, and you can look down on children. The secret is his fortune, what else can complement... Look at the 'gentle and amiable' who is always poisoning people, do you want this fortune for you?"

    Song Yi choked, "Then what can I do, at that time? Isn't she pregnant, and mom is thinking about holding her grandson again..."

    "Come on, don't leave the blame to mom." Song Yu snorted mercilessly, "As long as you listen to me, wait until the fetus grows older. Doing a paternity test won't keep the whole family in the dark for more than ten years, isn't it ashamed?"

    "You can shut up for me, if you say nonsense to make this Miss Cai go away, in the future, little brother When I die of loneliness, I will let him play chess with you every day."

    Song Yi was smart since he was a child, but compared to his younger brother, he could only be considered an ordinary child. Not a single piece is left, and the psychological shadow left at that time has left him with lingering fears to this day.

    After teaching his brother, the threats and warnings on Song Yu's face instantly faded away, and when she turned her head, a warm smile filled her bright and generous face,

    "It sounds too unfamiliar to be called 'Miss Cai' now. I'm a few years older than you, you call me Sister Xiaoyu, and I'll just call you     Suya , okay?"

    Cai Suya nodded and replied, "Of course."

After a while, Song Yu occupied the position on Cai Suya's other side. She held Cai Suya's hand with a smile, and the two were leaning against each other, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.

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