Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 Sun Qingying stared blankly at the man in front of her,...

    Sun Qingying stared blankly at the man in front of her. Suddenly, the previous fear and panic were overwhelmed by another emotion. "What do you mean?"

    "She? Who is she?" Her tone suddenly became aggressive.

    Song Jue raised his eyes slightly and glanced at her, "It has nothing to do with you."

    He got up and planned to leave.

    Sun Qingying didn't allow it. She slammed her hands on the table and made a loud noise, which attracted the attention of the police next to her, "Song Jue! Tell me clearly, what is your relationship with Cai Suya? You have been hooking up for a long time. We're together, right!"

    She shouted resentfully: "She seduced you! Song Jue, don't be deceived by her! That bitch just wants to take advantage of you!"

    Song Jue frowned, turned to look at her, " You don't need to use your own thoughts to speculate on others."

    "She is a completely different person from you, otherwise she wouldn't have been blinded by you for so many years, right?"

    Sun Qingying bit her lip, Song Jue's words made her feel Her heart sank into a bottomless black hole in an instant, and the boundless chill scrambled to erode her remaining luck.

    She fixedly looked at him and asked softly, "Are you in love with her?"

    Song Jue replied directly, "Yes."

    "No! No!" Sun Qingying's voice suddenly sharpened, "Song Jue can be anyone you like, but Cai Suya can't! She, she's just a mediocre and boring woman! How can you like her?"

    Song Jue His eyes turned cold, he ignored her, and walked out the door on his own.

    The disciple left Sun Qingying behind, even ignoring the handcuffed hands, trying hard to pounce, "Song Jue! Song Jue, did you hear me! I don't allow you to like Cai Suya! Anyone can do it, but she can't!!"

    Unfortunately, just as she pushed the table and took a step forward, she was restrained by the police guards behind her. She could only stretch her neck and shout loudly, with a shrill voice.

    It was also a coincidence that Song Jue had just come out, and Cai Suya had also come out on the other side. She was standing at the door, and she could vaguely hear Sun Qingying's roaring voice from the arraignment room on the opposite side, which had not been fully closed. Tone, anyone who knew Sun Qingying in the past would never have imagined that it was her voice.

    She asked Song Jue curiously, "What's wrong with her?"

    Song Jue shook her head, "It's okay." He carefully observed the look on her face, and there was a hint of concern in his words, "How about you? Are you okay?"

    Cai Suya He smiled and said, "I'm fine."

    "Zhan Kun," he said softly, "if you don't want to see him, I can help you with the future."

    Cai Suya asked him with great interest, "What do you want? Do?"

    Song Jue looked at her intently, "Zhan Kun will not be willing to give up Zhanjia, and Zhanjia's people will naturally not tolerate him."

    Cai Suya's eyes wandered, and his eyes hovered on his face for a long time, seeing Song Jue became a little unnatural, and she said with a smile, "It seems that I have to quickly throw away the shares in my hand." The

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