Chapter 169

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Chapter 169 Actually, it's not difficult to understand the whereabouts of the He family towards He Ziqian...

    In fact, it is not difficult to understand why the He family kept He Ziqian's whereabouts secret. After all, before the schedule was set, so many inside information about He Ziqian were revealed, and the people behind the scenes must be very familiar with He Ziqian.

    Not only Xi Mu and the others, but also the He Family servant, Father He, had them checked one by one, and they decided to give up after confirming that there was no suspicion.

    Even He Ziqian himself didn't know where his real destination was after boarding the plane.

    It is normal for the eldest young master who has not experienced setbacks and is pampered to be naive and simple.

    Father He was worried that He Ziqian would be unprepared for others and put himself in danger. He knew that He Ziqian would not doubt his brothers and friends around him, but it was true.

    Just like Xi Mu never thought that He Ziqian would guard against him.

    The five of them grew up together. Except for Xi Ye who likes to sit in front of the computer and play with his own affairs, the other four are almost inseparable and play together all the time.

    Xi Mu was silent for a while, and then spoke again, his voice could not help being mixed with a bit of difficulty, "It's not the United States? Where is he?"

    Xi Ye shook his head, "The He family is very careful, I can't find it for the time being, but I can. I'm sure he's not in North America, he's in Europe."

    Xi Mu's face was expressionless, "It's normal for the He family to be so careful. Some people have been staring at Qian."

    Xi Tongfang's expression softened slightly, "Xiao Mu, I'm not stopping you from helping. My friend."

    "But have you ever thought about why we are the only ones who are quiet and nothing happened when the other three have happened one after another?"

    Xi Mu looked at him blankly, "Why?"

    "It means that the other party came prepared." Xi Tongfang said, "He/she did not choose the target at random, but planned revenge. Maybe it was the evil fruit that He Luxu and his family planted in their early years. Even if the Xi family intervened, they could only fill in themselves. "

    "I didn't intend to harm anyone, it's the He family's own failure to live up to their expectations. It's a once-in-a-century opportunity. If we don't take action, there will be thousands of other people waiting for the He, Lu, and Xu families to fall and swarm up. Eat up the corpses and wealth they left behind."

    "This is the shopping mall, and profit is the biggest weather vane."

    After speaking, Xi Tong Rong calmly waved his hand, "Go back and think about it, if there are still If you understand, I'll ask your elder brother."

    "However," Xi Tongfang said solemnly, "I will never allow you to help the He, Lu, and Xu families in private. Otherwise, in order not to get caught up, I can only publicize it to the outside world. People rushed to the house."

    Xi Ye sneered, "As for what?"

    "Why are you so nervous? The older you are, the younger you are?"

    Xi Tongfang stared at him for a while with a gloomy face, but he didn't say anything after all.

    "Someone can provoke conflicts between the three major families without speaking or showing up, making them unable to assist each other and writing letters to ask for help. Who would have thought that the object of their request is too busy to take care of themselves?"

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