Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Mother Cai returned to the ward and found it was empty...

    Mother Cai returned to the ward and found that there was no one in it. She was startled and turned around quickly. After looking around for several times, she found that Cai Suya was walking around the corner.

    She breathed a sigh of relief and hurried up to meet her, "Where have you been?"

    Cai Suya smiled, "I didn't finish eating some of the fruit, so I thought about giving it to the doctors and nurses as a thank you for taking care of me like this. It 's been a long time."

    Mother Cai nodded and didn't ask any further, "Your dad is coming soon, let's go down and wait for him."

    Cai Suya didn't have much stuff, and Mother Cai didn't let her carry it, she carried two big bags by herself. Go ahead first.

    Just at the corner of the elevator, he suddenly bumped into several nurses and trotted forward, surrounded by the doctor, looking anxious, as if a certain patient had a sudden crisis.

    Mother Cai protected Cai Suya and hid to the side, sighing, "Speaking of which, human life is really fragile, and illness is the second priority. Unpredictable accidents are really hard to prevent."

    Cai Suya took her hand and laughed softly. : "So you and Dad should remember to have a physical examination every year. Health is the most important thing."     Mother

    Cai gave her a smile, "You, just let me worry less about snacks.     " My heart is on my husband and son, and I will not buy a house if I have money in my hand. As for her original house with Zhan Kun, Cai’s father and Cai’s mother would not let her go back to live again, so she had to go back to her mother’s house and live temporarily. , I plan to visit the house after a while.     Xiao Yao hasn't seen his mother for a long time. He is smart and sensitive. Even though his grandparents didn't say anything, they were frowning for many days in a row, and they were not at home all day. He guessed that something might have happened to his mother.     So he suddenly saw Cai Suya     at home, he didn't mention his happiness, he rushed over and rushed into her arms, "Mom!" Surprised, "Xiao Yao has grown taller!"

    Mother Cai said with a smile, "Boys, they grow slowly when they are young, but they grow rapidly when they are in their teens. In two years, they may be taller than you."

    "That's good," Cai Suya pinched his soft cheeks. , watching the precocious and restrained child show her excited and excited expression, which made her find it very interesting, "When Xiao Yao grows up, she can become a hero to protect her mother."

    Xiao Yao heard this, the expression on her face The surprise faded slowly. He pursed his lips and couldn't help but ask, "Mom, did someone bully you?" He opened

    his eyes wide, and his eyes wandered over her little by little, as if trying to find her. The "evidence" that she was bullied, and finally, his eyes fixed on the needle eye on the back of her hand.

    Because of Cai Suya's fair skin, a faint cyan glowed around the eye of the needle, lining the surrounding fair skin, which looked particularly dazzling at first glance.

    Xiao Yao carefully held her hand, probably because he had to take care of housework since he was a child. Although his hand was small, it looked rougher than Cai Suya's.

    Cai Suya's eyes narrowed slightly, her thoughts scattered slightly.

    For some reason, Xiao Yao often reminded her of her past self.

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