Chapter 89

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Chapter 89 Item Dingbang has to leave early. Aunt Xiang was originally...

    Xiang Dingbang had to leave early.

    Aunt Xiang was originally reluctant, and sternly opposed it, but when she heard that he was going to go to Cai Suya's mother's house, she couldn't say the reason for her objection.

    After all, there is no reason for anyone not to ask their son-in-law to visit his father-in-law.

    But understanding is one thing, anger is another.

    When Mrs. Xiang looked at Cai Suya again, she couldn't help but express her anger, but she was unreasonable, and Xiang Dingbang was watching. Sleeping until early morning, not knowing how to get up to cook, do laundry, etc.

    Cai Suyan replied slowly on the spot, "Mother, I think you should cherish and cherish the time I am here. As the saying goes, the fragrance is far away and the near smell is bad. Maybe you will miss me in the future."

    Aunt Xiang: ...

    She suddenly Being stunned by the other party's cheeky skills, he was speechless.

    According to the understanding of the second daughter-in-law in the past few months, Aunt Xiang felt that whether she wanted to or not, Cai Suya could climb up the pole, making her feel helpless and unable to express her temper.

    So, Aunt Xiang died down and went out the door with a gloomy face.

    The client said that he had no choice but to complain to others that his son had to leave early for his daughter-in-law.

    After a while, news spread that Xiang Dingbang was going to set off for the army with his newly married daughter-in-law.

    Fan Sanya was shocked when she heard it, she couldn't care what she wanted to do, she turned around and went home and told Yu Mingxia about it.

    "What?" Yu Mingxia changed the melancholy and decadence of the past few days, stood up from the kang, and said in shock, "It's so early? How is it possible?"

    She vaguely remembered that Xiang Dingbang stayed until about the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Ready to go back to the army.

    Why is it so early?

    Fan Sanya said, "Listen to his mother's meaning, let them set off early, and then go to his father-in-law's house halfway."

    Yu Mingxia's face was gloomy: it's Cai Suya again!

    Her heart was filled with deep hatred for Cai Suya, mixed with a little panic, if Cai Suya and Xiang Dingbang went with the army, would she still have a chance?

    No, no!

    Can't let them go so easily!

    Yu Mingxia bit her lip, Fan Sanya lost her mind when she saw her like this, and frowned, "Didn't you say that Xiang Dingbang is still interested in you? Why did you bring Cai Suya to the army in a blink of an eye?"

    She turned towards herself suspiciously The girl looked over and said, "You're not lying to me, are you?"

    "Of course not!" Yu Mingxia blurted out, looking up at Fan Sanya's anxious expression, yet inexplicably irritable, "Mother, I have a solution, you just Don't worry."

    Now, she has only one choice.


    Knowing that Xiang Dingbang and Cai Suya are leaving soon, the children are the most reluctant.

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