Chapter 154

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Chapter 154 Xi Mu looked at the petite and weak...

    Xi Mu looked at the petite and weak girl in front of her, she seemed to have changed.

    Although in his memory, her past appearance is also very vague, but it is definitely not like this now. Every frown and smile is full of special charm, her eyebrows are full of eyes, and there is a clear and translucent light, but at a certain moment, it is like a cover. With a layer of veil, no one could see her true thoughts.

    "What you asked Qian to do has offended many people."

    Don't think that the He family's current status can be unscrupulous. Now it's not a feudal society, and one person has the final say.

    Even the emperor, is there no possibility of being overthrown?

    He Ziqian was originally the one who took the lead, but every child is the heart of their parents. He was so rude and ordered to let them give up their children... After all, there are not many people who are as ruthless as Zhao's father, even if they understand He couldn't compete with the He family, but he couldn't help but hold this anger in his heart.

    What if the feng shui turns in the future, and one of the small families here rises?

    Or worse, the He family went down?

    At that time, these will become boomerangs and stick to He Ziqian himself.

    Xi Mu stared at Cai Suya, trying to find a trace of guilt in her expression, but in fact, she was very calm, "I just gave He Shao a suggestion."

    "You blame me, why don't you blame me? He bet on Shu Yi?"

    Cai Suya took a step forward, bringing the distance between the two closer, she leaned into his ear and whispered, "Second Young Master, do you like her?"

    Xi Mu was suddenly surprised. "What did you say?"

    "Shu Yi." She tilted her head, "If you don't like her, why do you treat me like this?"

    Cai Suya couldn't tell the source of the sudden unwillingness and grievance in her heart. To be honest , Her biggest expectation for Xi Mu is that he can let him go, treat himself as air, and just ignore him.

    However, there was a mysterious feeling, telling her that Xi Mu might like Shu Yi.

    How is this possible?

    She asked herself in the bottom of her heart, that Shu Yi's attention was clearly on He Ziqian, and it was not certain whether she had spoken to Xi Mu.

    Xi Mu was also inexplicable, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

    Cai Suya put aside the strange feeling and smiled, "I just think that the second young master is too cruel to me."

    "We are still a family. "

    Family? Heh,"

    Xi Mu's laughter was full of gloomy sarcasm, "I only have one older brother and one younger brother, who are you?"

    — Co-author, you don't even plan to recognize your father?

    Cai Suya, "Then tell me, what is our relationship?"

    At this moment, Cheng Ximu was speechless.

    He couldn't say it either.

    Siblings? Impossible; neighbors? Who stares at neighbors every day; master and

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