Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 Xiang Dingbang takes Cai Suya back with great care...

    Xiang Dingbang took Cai Suya home with great care, and did not allow her to move. He was busy carrying water to cook, and then washed and changed her clothes. She went to the toilet by herself, and he was frightened.

    Cai Suya was tucked into the warm quilt by him, looked at Xiang Dingbang with a stern face, carefully covered her with the quilt, and carefully twisted the corners of the quilt to ensure that no cold wind would get in.

    "Okay, I'm not seriously ill, why are you so worried?" She reached out to Xiang Dingbang, and he also reached out to hold her and sat sideways on the bed.

    "Fortunately you're fine." He whispered.

    Thinking of today, someone suddenly told him that Cai Suya was in the hospital and told him to hurry over there. The fear and panic that remained in Xiang Dingbang's heart still made him linger.

    He reassured Cai Suya to take a good rest, it is best to take a nap to restore her spirits.

    After waiting for her breathing to gradually calm down, he lowered his eyes and gently brushed away the broken hair on her side face. He stared at her so quietly for a long time before he got up and planned to leave.

    Today, the incident in the Military Dependent Building is really too bad. Both military dependents were taken to the hospital. Mrs. Wang is still in the hospital and refuses to come out. .

    Battalion Commander Wang didn't know about it until he finished training, and was stunned on the spot.

    He hurriedly packed his things and planned to go to the military hospital, but as soon as he went out, he happened to bump into Xiang Dingbang who was looking for him.

    "Commander Xiang?"

    Commander Wang stopped subconsciously, feeling a little guilty in his heart, and smirked, "Why did you come here at this point?"

    Xiang Dingbang's eyes were cold and solemn, and under his cold gaze, The smile on the corners of Wang's battalion commander's mouth couldn't hold back any longer, and his tone became a little weaker, "Is it because of the day?"

    Xiang Dingbang said solemnly, "Commander Wang, what happened today, I will tell you about it. Report to Captain Zheng on 10."

    "I will also ask him to restrict your mother from visiting the military region again."

    Commander Wang was taken aback for a moment, and said eagerly, "Commander Xiang, you don't have to do this, right?"

    "My mother, she is a rural woman. She speaks straight and easily offends people, but she has absolutely no bad intentions. Don't bother with her.

    Xiang Dingbang showed displeasure, "Since you knew she would offend others, why didn't you persuade her, but instead let her act recklessly outside all day long, because the person your mother offended was not you, so you don't care? "

    Wang The battalion commander was speechless, "I..."

    "I'll give you a day," Xiang Dingbang frowned coldly, "If she doesn't plan to leave tomorrow."

    "I don't mind notifying the guards and forcibly expelling her. Military area."

    After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

    Commander Wang became even more anxious and strode up to catch up, "Commander Xiang!"

    "Then it's my mother, what can I do with her?"

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