Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Because the two haven't officially filed for divorce...

    Because the two have not officially gone through the divorce procedures, after Sun Qingying was taken away by the police, the Song family knew the news before the Sun family.

    Mother Song was so surprised that she couldn't believe her ears for a long time, "You said, someone accused Sun Qingying of intentional murder, and she was taken away by the police?"

    Song Yi explained: "I'm not sure, the main victim is still in the hospital. , I haven't woken up, so there is no definite evidence, the police are still in the interrogation stage."

    He took Song Jue's state into consideration, and forced him to take a month's leave, and he was not allowed to return to the laboratory.

    Mother Song was also worried about her son, and she was both comforting and persuading. She had to see Song Jue to feel relieved, so during this time, Song Jue temporarily moved home again.

    He was also here at the moment, but Song Jue was probably more unfamiliar with Sun Qingying than everyone present, but he was the one who was the least surprised. He just asked casually, "Who is the victim?"

    "Zhan Kun's wife," Song said. The translator said, "It seems to be the surname Cai? Do you know him?"

    As long as he finished the first few words, Song Jue's expression was not right, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he straightened his back unconsciously, "Where is she? The hospital?"

    Song Yi was somewhat tentative when he asked the question before, but now he naturally saw the sudden tension in his always quiet deep eyes, and couldn't help frowning, "You know her very well?"

    Song Jue paused slightly, "Yeah."

    Song Yi's brows furrowed even tighter. Ever since he was a child, he has never seen any close friends around Song Jue, not even close to his family.

    He sighed: "In any case, it's someone else's family business. As outsiders, we should not get involved."

    Song Jue glanced at him lightly: "From a legal point of view, Sun Qingying is considered your outsider?

    " After signing the agreement, I haven't had time to go through the divorce procedures.

    Song translation: "..."

    Mother Song didn't notice the secret Ji Feng of her two sons, she was so angry, "How could Sun Qingying do such a thing! It's really I misunderstood her before!"

    Just destroying other people's families can be said to be a moral issue, but now it's better , directly breaking the law.

    Thinking that such a person has been with her son for more than ten years, Mother Song is fortunate for the first time that Song Jue is withdrawn and does not like to go home. Otherwise, if Sun Qingying used these methods on Song Jue, she would have no regrets. used.

    "Divorce!" Mother Song pulled Song Jue, "Xiao Jue, you divorce her as soon as possible, such a person, our family can't afford it!"

    "I know." Song Jue comforted Ying and his mother, and then put His eyes turned to Song Yi, "Which hospital is she in?"

    Song Yi pretended to be stupid: "Who? Sun Qingying is at the police station, do you want to see her?"

    Song Jue's eyes became cold, "Brother, you know what I said. Who it is."

    "If you don't tell me, I'll check it myself."

    Speaking of this, Song Yi had no choice but to say, "Yes, I'll take you there."

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