Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 Cai Suya asked Guo Yanchao if he wanted to recover...

    Cai Suya asked Guo Yanchao if he wanted to restore his identity and grab the throne.

    Yan Chao was kneading her arm that was sore from holding the child for a long time. Hearing this, he didn't raise his eyes and said lightly, "I don't want to."

    Cai Suya asked curiously, "Don't you want to be the emperor?

    " Who in the world doesn't expect to be enthroned as an emperor and take over the world."

    Yan Chao said warmly, "I was only planning to take revenge."

    As for what Daliang would be destroyed into after taking revenge, Yan Chao didn't care.

    He did not inherit King Duan's excellent qualities of loving the people like a son, benevolence and justice, and as long as he could cut off the line of the late emperor, he would be too lazy to care about the likes and dislikes of the world, and he never thought of competing for the throne.

    Perhaps after the death of Emperor Liang and his heirs, the royal family members would fight for the succession, and Yan Chao would only feel happy.

    Who let the late emperor impose charges to kill Duanwang's family? These relatives of the royal family clearly knew the truth, but they watched from the sidelines, and even some of them even helped to gain the praise and reuse of the late emperor.

    What Cai Suya didn't see, the world outside the plot.

    After the male protagonist of Emperor Liang died, he was left with only the princes, but they all died one after another. All of them died in just one year, which made the people uneasy and rumors abounded. Just took their lives away.

    As a result, insurgents from all over the world emerged one after another, and the court was busy dealing with it, and even took the time to elect an emperor.

    The key royal clansmen were also bewitched by the rumors and felt that whoever became the emperor would have to die.

    Within five years, the world will be in chaos.

    However, now that the line of Emperor Liang has been severed, Yan Chao can be regarded as a great revenge. Besides, his son is still sitting on the dragon chair, so there is nothing to regret.

    Yan Chao suddenly stopped, his warm fingertips slid down her delicate skin, and finally took her hand, put it on his lips, and kissed lightly on the back of her fair hand,

    "Everyone is Looking forward to being in charge of the world, for me, you are my world."

    He said seriously.

    Cai Suya's eyes flowed, and a happy laughter flowed from her light red lips. She leaned forward, pulled out her hand, pinched his jaw, and said slowly, "You still remember what I said to Emperor Liang. Has it been? If you have a master, it can only be me."

    Yan Chao raised his eyes to look at her, he no longer needed to disguise his appearance, a pair of phoenix eyes were bright and clear, and the end of his eyes swept lightly, he would not I know how much emotion I have to pull out.

    He stared at her intently, and as Cai Suya slowly straightened up and knelt down in front of him, Yan Chao's gaze changed from looking up to looking up. He raised his head meekly, letting her fingertips lightly touch him The face is messy everywhere, as if dancing.

    Cai Suya raised her eyebrows and softened her tone, "Do you recognize it?"

    Yan Chao chuckled, and the soft and bright brilliance of his eyebrows and eyes under the candlelight made his already exquisite face even more irresistible. He opened his eyes, and his smiling voice was deliberately lowered. The ambiguous and affectionate, handsome and indifferent breath was instantly dyed with bright and gorgeous colors, condensing into a charm that captured the heart and soul,

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