Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 "Crackling-"

    The study...


    There were loud noises coming from the study room. Deng Fang, the eunuch who was beside the prince, was respectfully guarding the door. Now, stop them first and don't get close.

    It is rare for His Royal Highness to be so angry and lose his temper. He must not be seen by outsiders. If it spreads out, it will inevitably damage his reputation.

    Suddenly, a heavy object slammed on the door, and even Deng Fang was startled.

    He sighed faintly, feeling very sad.

    Since serving His Royal Highness, he has never seen His Highness so angry. It is simply the wrath of thunder. As a personal servant, he is afraid that he will have to suffer a little.

    In fact, the palace servants serving the prince have been caned three or four in succession. Even Deng Fang has been scolded several times by the prince. If he was not afraid of being known by the emperor and felt that the prince was tyrannical, he secretly instructed the person in charge of the caning. The palace staff showed mercy, and the bluestone slabs in front of this palace might even be dyed red.     Thinking of this, Deng Fang couldn't help but blame the Crown Princess, even if the Crown Princess made other mistakes, His Highness would not be so angry. But this time, the majesty of His Highness's man is involved... As a eunuch, Deng Fang understands the importance of this aspect to men the most.     How could the prince not be angry!     It’s okay to say that the Crown Princess came to apologize and plead for mercy, but as a result, they went to the palace to ask for ten more beauties, for fear that the Crown Prince would die again... Deng Fang almost suffocated when he heard this news, I really didn’t understand what to do. To say that she is heartless is still a novelty! If things go on like this, the prince completely hates the prince concubine. When the emperor dies, the prince can call the shots. Isn't the prince concubine dead!     After another half an hour, the movement in the study gradually subsided.     Deng Fang raised his heart, and when the prince strode out with a gloomy face, he hurriedly ordered someone to clean up the mess in the house, and he hurriedly followed.

    Deng Fang thought that the prince would go to the west courtyard to find Concubine Xiao to change his mood, but he didn't expect him to walk quickly in the direction of Qiankun Palace, without even asking for a sedan chair.

    He knew in his heart that the prince had decided to endure it.

    There is no way, in the end, the emperor is still the master of the world. The crown prince is personally selected by him and ordered to marry him. To a certain extent, she represents the emperor's face. No matter how many wrongs he has done, it is not the crown prince who can ask the guilt. guilty.

    What's more, on the bright side, everything the Crown Princess does is under the banner of "being good for the Prince".

    Sure enough, the emperor was very satisfied with the Crown Prince's actions, with a gentle expression on his face, and said slowly, "I have already said about the Crown Princess yesterday, in any case, it is a taboo to spread family ugliness.

    " , although there are no rules and regulations, it is rare to have such a pure heart. I will not punish her this time, and you husband and wife will get along well in the future." The

    prince gritted his teeth and lowered his head to answer: "Yes, my son understands."

    "Cough— -" Seeing that he had finished saying what he should say, the emperor coughed slightly embarrassedly, "The prince's body should be fine, right?"

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