Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Waiting for Yanchao to return to the front hall with dark eyes, like...

    When Yanchao returned to the front hall, his black eyes were heavy, as if he wanted to merge with the night.

    After he was brought back by the prince, he inevitably became a thorn in Deng Fang's eyes, but because the prince was willing to protect him, Deng Fang tried several times and had to put it down for the time being. In this way, Zhao An even thinks that he is smart and capable and worthy of cultivation, and his attitude is a bit like treating his apprentice seriously.

    After several twists and turns, Yan Chao took the trouble to find a separate place for himself.

    Such a slight movement is not easy to be noticed by people.

    Yan Chao simply finished grooming, and in order not to be noticed, he did not even light the candle. However, walking in the dark and moving freely, it seems that you don't need to look with your eyes at all to get the placement of all objects.

    After everything was over, he lay quietly on the bed, looking straight at the bed on top, his dark pupils flashed a dim stream of light in the darkness.


    emperor's health is indeed not good, but he has been ill in recent years, and outsiders have not noticed anything unusual.

    On the contrary, the prince has been serving by his side recently, and he is aware of the changes in the emperor, and he acts more and more cautiously.

    On this day, after the emperor used the medicine, he said to him, "I heard that there is good news in the East Palace, and you are finally a successor." The

    prince's face showed just the right kind of joy, "It's all due to the blessing of the father and the emperor. , there is good news soon after my son's marriage, and next year, you will be able to hold the little grandson." The

    emperor nodded, he closed his eyes, and the ravine between his eyebrows showed a strong look of exhaustion. , "Well, was your concubine conceived?" The

    prince smiled and replied, "Yes, it is Concubine Xiao."

    "Xiao?" The emperor said, "Is it the queen's niece?" The

    prince bit his head, " Yes."

    "Humph." The emperor snorted coldly, meaning unclear.

    The crown prince was about to break down in cold sweat. He knew that the father and the emperor did not like the queen, but he did not expect that he would take his anger on the pregnant Xiao Heng.

    He secretly looked at the change in the emperor's expression, and he didn't know if it was because of his suspicions.

    The crown prince came out of Qiankun Palace, hesitated for a few breaths, then turned and walked towards Concubine Ning's palace.

    "The son has seen the mother-in-law."

    "Get up!" Concubine Ning was a little overwhelmed with enthusiasm, as if she didn't know what to say to this son who had been separated for many years, "Why is Your Highness here?" The

    crown prince smiled and said, "The lonely one I'm here to greet the concubine."

    "Okay, okay!" Concubine Ning was overjoyed, and hurriedly welcomed him to the bedroom, and then sent everyone out. The prince who carefully observed his expression gradually calmed down.

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