Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 The reaction of Emperor Liang was not even expected by Cai Suya...

    Even Cai Suya didn't expect Liang Di's reaction.

    She was stunned for a moment, then she couldn't help laughing while holding her stomach, "Your Majesty, you are going too far, isn't it because the empress dowager has become like this because it is too hard to take care of you? They all say that dogs are not too poor, son. Don't think your mother is ugly, you should learn from others too hahahahahaha~"

    Seeing her laughing so hard, Yan Chao frowned and walked behind her from a dark corner, supporting her swaying body, so that he could let go She could lean on herself,

    "Be careful, the imperial doctor said that this child is full-term, and you may give birth at any time."

    When he moved like this, Emperor Liang saw him.

    He was stunned as he watched his most trusted eunuch director approach his queen. Although he said reproach, his helpless tone and gentle eyes were a very human side that he had never seen in Yan Chao.

    Emperor Liang was furious, "Xiao Ningzi, what are you doing?"

    "Are you blind? I am your master!"

    Cai Suya finally stopped her laughter and raised her eyebrows, "Your Majesty, the nobles forget things, Xiao Ning. You snatched Ziben from me, and if you want to say who is his master, it can only be me."

    Yan Zhao listened, and a faint, soft smile appeared on his lips.

    Emperor Liang was stunned. At that time, he was focused on how to please his father and emperor and win the throne. After Deng Fang and Zhao An died, Xiao Ningzi, who was smart, calm and outstanding, stood out. He vaguely remembered that he belonged to Zhao An. Apprentice, he has long forgotten his origin.

    Zuo was nothing but a servant. When Emperor Liang used him at first, he did not expect that he would become seriously ill and lack energy in the future, so he was forced to hand over important affairs of the state to a eunuch to take care of.

    "You!" He was anxious, pointing at Cai Suya and questioning, "I haven't cured you yet!"

    "Queen, where did you take me and my mother? What are you trying to do? Are you revolting against the lord!"

    Cai Suya thought carefully After thinking, "It's not necessarily a rebellion, but killing the monarch can be considered."

    Emperor Liang choked for a moment and stared at him, but now she found a trace of a joke on her face, "You, you, you dare!"

    Cai Suya's eyes fell softly on his shocked and twisted facial features, and sighed softly. After a sigh of relief, "I really don't dare."

    Before Emperor Liang could let go of his high-hanging heart, he heard her say, "I'm not afraid that the emperor will jump up from the hospital bed and hit me." She narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing slyness. And the smart look, the bright eyes flowed, and the brilliance bloomed in an instant, illuminating the entire room, "Mainly, we have already discussed it, the emperor, you are the spoils of the Yan Dynasty."

    Emperor Liang stared blankly. She seemed absent-minded, took a long time to react, and muttered, "Yan...Chao?"

    The Queen Mother, who had been sitting beside her without saying a word, suddenly raised her head and looked at Yan Chao, her eyes flashing. Passed in amazement,

    "Who are you, who are you?" The

    empress dowager inevitably became excited, she suppressed the ups and downs in her heart and forced her to remain calm, "This is the end of the matter, Aijia and the emperor are both your defeated generals, You don't need to hide any more, just say it directly."

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