Chapter 66

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Chapter 66 Xiao Heng's series of words and deeds just now, yes...

    Just now, Xiao Heng's series of words and deeds were not as lethal to Emperor Liang as Cai Suya's fluffy words.

    Emperor Liang was frightened and angry. He was already filled with anger and dissatisfaction, but he had reached the peak value of the outbreak. He didn't come up in one breath, so he was so angry that he threw himself over, and knocked the back of his head on the head of the bed unpreparedly, and let out a sound. A dull thud.

    "Hey~" Cai Suya couldn't help taking a breath, and it hurt just to hear it.

    "Your Majesty!" Xiao Heng was startled, and quickly got up and stepped forward, but was stopped by the palace maid next to him, "Don't get out of the way!" She shouted with frown.

    "Concubine Xiao Shu." Cai Suya said slowly, "It seems that you haven't saluted me yet."

    Xiao Heng made a move, and looked worriedly at Emperor Liang who was being supported on the bed, "Concubine, please be safe to the empress. "

    The Empress, let's hurry up and declare the imperial doctor. The emperor just... fell. I wonder if it's serious?"

    Cai Suya raised her eyebrows and said in a soft tone, "I think you should still worry about yourself."

    Xiao Heng: "Huh?"

    Before she could react, she heard Cai Suya said in a loud voice, "Concubine Shu has passed out the emperor's anger, why don't you go to the imperial doctor? By the way, a few more people will send Concubine Xiao Shu. Go back to Yanxi Palace to take care of it carefully, and wait until the emperor wakes up before making a decision."

    Xiao Heng was startled, his face panicked, "No, I didn't!"

    "Empress Empress, it's obviously you..."

    Cai Suya's eyes lighted slightly Liang Yi looked at her and smiled, "Me?"

    "Everyone knows that I'm not favored, so how could the emperor be so mad at me."

    "You're different, who doesn't know Concubine Xiao Shu in the palace? He is the person on the top of the emperor's heart."

    Xiao Heng felt a chill in her heart. She couldn't help fighting a cold war. She had never been in a hurry. With the last thought,

    - I have to inform the Queen Mother of the changes in the Qiankun Palace as soon as possible!

    Xiao Heng hesitated again and again, and finally decided to use the manpower left to her by the first empress.

    Originally, she secretly swore that she would never be as deeply involved in the harem battle as her aunt was, unable to extricate herself.

    But now, she is really worried about letting the unconscious Liang Emperor fall into the hands of the Empress. Xiao Heng knows in her heart that the Empress is no better than herself, and she has no love for Emperor Liang. merciful.

    I have to say that the first queen has been in charge of the harem for decades, and she has her ability in the end.

    The queen mother, who was chanting scriptures in the Buddhist hall of the Cining Palace, soon received the news that Emperor Liang was in a coma, and Concubine Xiao Shu was driven out. Now only the queen is in charge of the affairs in Qiankun Palace.

    The empress dowager stood up suddenly, with a solemn expression, "Not good!"

    She couldn't care about anything anymore, she directly called someone to prepare the sedan chair, and came to the Qiankun Palace at the fastest speed.

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