Chapter 132

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Chapter 132 Cai Suqing came back to China with someone else, she originally...

    Cai Suqing came back to China with others, and she did not intend to get involved in the affairs of Cai Suya and Qin Shaoqi at this time.

    But since she's back, it's good to inquire about her sister's recent situation by the way. Cai Suqing wanted to contact Cai Suya, but she actually planned to coax her to continue to focus on Qin Shaoqi instead of being attracted by Fu Lun and others.

    She also hoped that Cai Suya and Qin Shaoqi would eventually get married, so that even if Qin Shaoqi's feelings for her fade away one day, with her sister as a strap, Cai Suqing would still have a way to make him stay obediently in his fish pond.

    It turned out to be good now, Cai Suya has not been coaxed back, Qin Shaoqi is about to lose it again.

    Cai Suqing seldom panicked, and hurriedly walked down the stairs to Qin Shaoqi, "Shaoqi, long time no see."

    "You, you haven't contacted me for a long time."

    Hearing these words, there were a few traces of anger mixed with resentment. I don't think the relationship between the two is easy.

    Cai Suya glanced at the corner of the camera with a half-smile, knowing that Cai Suqing was in a hurry and forgot about the camera.

    Fortunately, the program team still remembered their promise to Cai Suqing, and closed the live broadcast channel corresponding to the scene on this side of the stairs.

    Let Cai Suqing's gaffe not be seen by more people.

    But for her, Qin Shaoqi alone was enough to make her feel at a loss and panic.

    Qin Shaoqi looked down at her, and his stern expression showed no ups and downs, "During the recording of the show, my mobile phone was not with me."

    The other two people present knew that this was an excuse.

    When he first started recording the show, he tried to find a way to call Cai Suqing, but she avoided and didn't want to answer.

    At this moment, the situation for the two of them is reversed.

    Cai Suqing hesitated for a while, looked at him with an aggrieved and depressed look, and whispered, "You're still blaming me, right?"

    Qin Shaoqi looked at her calmly, without any intention of escaping,

    "I don't blame you."

    "I have no right to blame you."

    "The matter between us, in the final analysis, is my wishful thinking."

    Cai Suqing His eyes widened in surprise, and he fell into a daze for a while.

    Qin Shaoqi, in her impression, shouldn't have said such a thing anyway.

    "You..." She moved her lips, "Shaoqi, what's the matter with you?"

    Qin Shaoqi's cold and calm gaze passed her lightly, and he slowly walked down the stairs and faced Cai Suya with a gentler tone. ,

    "I'm going to the gym, you can call me if you have anything."

    Cai Suya smiled and nodded, "Okay."

    Although the atmosphere between the two cannot be called intimate, there is also a natural harmony that seems to be impossible for outsiders to interfere. .

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