Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 "Cough, cough, cough..." The queen coughed violently...

    "Cough, cough, cough..." The Queen's violent coughing sound startled both Chen Mama and Xiao Heng, one stepped forward to pat her chest, the other handed warm tea, and repeatedly cared, their faces were full of expressions. is worry.

    It took a long time for the queen to calm down. She ignored the two people beside her, her eyes sunk a little because of her thin cheekbones and glared at Cai Suya with both disgust and hatred,

    "You! Get out!"

    — - Obviously she is in a state of anger and anger, but her words are weak, and the power in them naturally disappears.

    "It's true, Empress," Cai Suya didn't realize it, "even if you suffered a big blow, you can't give up on yourself like this, but Yueyu, how could you be like this?

    " You, as the saying goes, you don't think your mother is ugly, but if the emperor comes, won't it break his good impression of you for so many years?"

    These words were all poking at the heart of the queen, and she gasped heavily. Seeing that she was so angry that she couldn't help it, she couldn't help but said earnestly, "Prince Concubine, don't say a few words, the Empress is seriously ill. It's a sin."

    Cai Suya said with a frown, "Mammy's words are bad, honest words are good for deeds, and there are some things that you dare not say or say, but I can't see how the Queen's concubine is broken and broken!"

    "I am also for the concubine . Hello, if something happens to you, who will filial piety between the son and the prince in the future?" After

    hearing this, Mother Chen stopped talking, she turned her head and carefully wiped the cold sweat from the forehead for the queen.

    It's not a day or two that the princess can't speak, but she is right, "Master, it's for the sake of His Royal Highness, you have to take care of your body." The

    queen closed her eyes and covered her eyes. bitter.

    After all, it was a couple who had been married for decades, how could she not guess that the

    emperor cleaned up the Xiao family so resolutely, just for the prince!

    The prince's biological mother, Ning Concubine's mother's family was born in a poor family, even if the royal family prospered for a while, it would not be a good climate. The Xiao family is different. It is a century-old family, and there are more than a hundred members in the family? Even the nine clans are not enough to summarize!

    Even if a certain branch is dead or exiled now, as long as the clan is still there, the Xiao clan will never wither or disappear!

    Thinking of this, the Empress suddenly regained her energy, and she unconsciously tightened Xiao Heng's hand.

    Xiao Heng felt the pain, but when she thought about the state of the queen, she didn't dare to say a word. She only said cautiously, "Auntie, shall I serve you and rest?" The

    queen nodded expressionlessly, and then said coldly to Cai Suya, "Bengong is tired. Now , let's go."

    Cai Suya's smiling eyes swept across Xiao Heng beside her, which made the queen's heart tighten, and she suddenly raised her guard.

    But she didn't say anything, just blessed her body, "Yes, the minister there will retire."

    After speaking, without waiting for the queen to react, she turned around and walked out of the palace gate.

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