The first day

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*Thanks so much for clicking on this fic :) In-villa S4 fic mostly centered on Bruno. Not 100% canon, but canon compliant. No compliment battles in sight, buckets of smut, quite a bit of swearing. It's a work in progress that I'm updating within a few days of each new episode coming out. It's my first fic, so I would love any and all feedback you have! <3 <3 <3 Hope you enjoy!*

Whyyyyyyyyy Jasmineee?

Jas, once again, had gotten herself in a dumbass situation.

She deserved it. She would have done the same to you. Don't give her a second thought.

But you don't even like Kobi?

Yeah, so? Lexi needs to know not to fuck with you.

She felt guilty. Massively guilty. Lexi and Kobi clearly really liked each other. Maybe he a little less than her... but once again, she'd inserted herself into someone else's business just because she felt like being a spiteful bitch. Hell hath no fury... et cetera et cetera .

Still she thought. You kind of have to give it a shot with Kobi now. He's pretty hot, he seems... nice? Not like there's anyone else here I'm interested in.

She had felt so awkward with him on the roof. The producers had wanted her to invite him on a mini-date before she went to meet the two new boys, but god, it felt so off. Kobi was nice, sure, but now that the excitement of fucking with Lexi had worn off, she noticed how little chemistry they had.

She sighed and looked over at Najuma as they walked together. At the very least, meeting two new islanders would be more interesting than hanging out with Kobi.

* * * * * * *

Fucking hell Bruno, why do you keep putting yourself in situations like this?

The handsome, blonde man next to him noticed him lost in thought.

"Nervous, Bruno?"

His creamy French accent glides through the air.

"Ha, nah mate, not me, never"

Unconvinced, he turns his eyes back to the door.

"Ahh, here they come now".

Bruno didn't look up right away. He didn't need to. He knew who was coming.

He knew he'd probably only been put on the show for a laugh, but they'd given him his choice of girl anyway. 'Anyone you want, mate, take your pick.'

As he watched the early edits of the show, he'd been taken with her right away. Since the first moment she entered as the bombshell during the Heart Rate Challenge, he'd had butterflies. She'd cracked jokes, done funny dances with the boys, called out Lexi for being fake...

'Jasmine. Jas. I pick Jas.' he'd blurted.

Snorting laughter snapped him out of his daydream. It sounded like someone had fallen over. He recognised the deep laugh and looked at Youcef, surprised.

"Najuma? Doesn't seem like your type?"

Youcef looked over quizzically.

"How so?"

"Figured your type would be someone more brooding. More... subtle?"

"No, mon ami, you are wrong." A sly smile slid onto his chiselled jaw. "The woman has passion . She has intrigued me".

God. This dude has serious game . He's even making me feel a bit jittery.

His stomach dropped as he wondered if Jas would think so, too.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now