Spa day

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Even though it seemed like seconds, Jas knew it had to have been nearly an hour since anyone had last checked on them.

She heard a gentle rapping at the door, which then progressed into loud, obvious knocking.

"Are you two covered up?" Angie yelled

Jas giggled. "Yes, but we can get un covered if you'd prefer?"

They'd both slipped back into their clothes a little while ago, knowing that eventually, they'd have to go and talk to everyone else. Bruno looked so fucking hot in just his grey sweatpants and white t-shirt, and Jas made a mental note to get him to wear them more. It made her horny just looking at him. She wasn't sure what it was. Maybe how easily she could see the outline of his significant... anyway. It just did it for her.

They sat up on the bed next to each other as Angie opened the door. She sighed with relief at finding them both dressed.

"They're decent. It's okay."

Cora, Kobi, and Najuma followed her in, the four of them clambering onto the end of Bruno & Cora's bed.

"So. Did you kiss and make up?" Cora asked.

"No. We decided we're better off as friends," Jas said.

All four of their faces fell. They looked devastated .

Jas cracked up laughing, throwing her arms around Bruno's neck and kissing him passionately. She saw them visibly relax out of the corner of her eye.

Angie was still clutching her heart. "Jasmine Elizabeth Aurelia Walker," Angie threatened.

Core looked at Jas. " Elizabeth Aurelia? That's a bit posh? "

Bruno shrugged. "It's both of her grandmothers' names."

Cora shot him a playfully disgusted look. "You remembered both of her grandmothers' names? God, I never had a chance with you, did I?"

Bruno chuckled awkwardly. "What! I... it's..."

"Nup. You were already too far gone." Cora chuckled.

Jas looked at him fondly, as he blushed a deep shade of crimson.

"Holy shit, that genuinely scared me ." Kobi laughed. "It's been so weird over the last few days watching you guys with other people... No offence, Cora. I got scared that Bruno would actually leave."

Jas looked at Cora, with sympathy. "In all seriousness, we're good. Bruno's not going anywhere, he promised he'd stick around so I could pick him tonight."

They all seemed to sigh with relief.

"This" Najuma motioned between Jas & Bruno. "I need this. I need you two to be okay. For the sake of love. I need you guys to never, ever fight again, okay?"

Bruno grinned at her. "No promises, I really am a fucking idiot."

Jas just shook her head, laughing. "This place messes with your head. Honestly. It makes you doubt everything . We were apart for two days and I genuinely thought Bruno & Cora were going to run off into the sunset together."

Cora and Bruno looked at each other, a little incredulous. " Us? "

Bruno curled his arm around Jas's waist, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Never. No offense Cora."

Najuma looked at them. "Okay, I'll take it back. You guys are really nauseating."

Everyone laughed. Jas hit Najuma with a pillow.

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