Va t'faire enculer

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Jas fell back onto the daybed, sobbing. Heaving. She wanted to throw things. She wanted to break something. How could she do this to him? How? Why?

She heard a soft voice call to her.


Angie rounded the corner. Spotting Jas in a crumpled heap, she damn near hurdled onto the bed to wrap her in her arms. "Oh my god, babe, what's happened?"

"I think... I don't know. Did he just break up with me? I don't even... I don't know."

Angie immediately started. Her voice a little raised in anger.

But Jas could tell that thankfully, it was on her behalf, and not at her.

"What the fuck happened? Jas? What was that about!? Dylan came out and started telling everyone you guys got physical your date?!"

Jas started to hyperventilate a little. "Oh my god, Ange. I've fucked up. I've fucked up so badly"

"Shhhh. It's okay" she cooed. "Just tell us what happened."

She felt someone else sit down on the other side of her. Someone heavier. She spotted a flash of platinum blonde hair, and he stroked her back reassuringly while she cried into Angie's chest. She was a little surprised that Youcef was here... but she was grateful for it.

"He kissed me. And I... didn't pull away. It kind of surprised me. But I... I thought Bruno was... I was so hurt."

"What about Bruno? What did you think he'd done?"

"Fucked Valentina."

Jas swallowed her sobs to try and get the words out.

"Dylan convinced me that Bruno and Valentina have been literally fucking behind my back for days. He told me that the reason we haven't had a mean tweets challenge is because no one's tweeting about anything other than Bruno making a fool of me. The way he said it made it sound like it was fact . But when I think about it now... he never actually said explicitly what they'd done. But he'd been fucking negging me the whole day, and I was so insecure in the moment that I fucking fell for it. So when he kissed me... I just... didn't pull away. I didn't like, kiss back, I just kind of... let it happen. But then he tried again and I slapped him"

"Good girl" Angie cooed.

"This is not right." Youcef frowned. He looked like he was going to hit something.

"You can fucking say that again" Angie said, the exact same expression on her face. "But why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because I'm so excited for you and Ollie. He's so sweet, Ange, and I can tell how much you like him. I didn't want to ruin your night."

Angie sighed. "I really wish you'd told me sooner, we could have straightened this all out. Can we... can we go and explain what happened to everyone? He made it sound like you guys slept together. So noone really knows what to do."

Jas threw her hands up in the air. "What the fuck does it matter now? Dylan was trying to break us up and he fucking succeeded. The damage has been fucking done. Holy shit, I took so little convincing . I can't believe I didn't trust him. How could I not trust him?!"

"So... what was going on with him and Valentina then? Because they were being a bit weird..."

Jas choked on another sob. "She was helping him plan this big, elaborate proposal to ask me to be his girlfriend."

Angie sucked air in through her teeth. "Fucccccck "

"Did you see him when he came up?"

Angie looked at Youcef.

Jas looked at both of them. "What?"

"...Yes" Youcef sighed. "We did."

Angie hesitated. "He um... he sent me down. He just pointed down here and went 'Ange. Help.'"

Jas watched her, silently. Her friend looked at her like she didn't want to say it out loud. Jas already knew. She'd seen it. but hearing someone else say it out loud felt different. It made it so real. It wasn't just a nightmare. She really had hurt him that badly. This incredible, caring, wonderful, kind man that she fucking adored .

"He... he's not doing great." Angie said, quietly

Her heart broke in a million pieces. Of course he was. How could he not be? He'd offered every part of himself to her on a platter and she'd basically just flipped it out of his hands. And even after that, as he left, he had still gone and made sure that she would be taken care of. That someone would be there for her.

When she deserved to have her face rubbed in it. To be screamed at. For him to be angry. Instead of just... It was like all the laughter had faded from him all at once. He had looked so... empty.

Suddenly, Dylan's deep voice came from around the corner. "I really didn't mean for any of this to happen."

He approached her, and Jas immediately stiffened. "Why, Dylan? Why did you come here?"

"I came here for you. I want you back."

"Well I don't want you."

"Yes you do" he smirked at her.

Youcef snarled at him, and "Va t'faire enculer, you disgusting pig of a man. She's already told you no. Now leave."

Dylan scoffed. "Whatever. I came to apologise to Jas, and see if she needed a nice, warm hug"

"A fucking hug? Are you fucking SERIOUS!? " Jas screamed. "You've fucking ruined everything Dylan! Everything ! Do you not see what you've done?! "

The enormity of the night finally hit her. She felt herself collapsing as she fell back to the bed, and the tears didn't even make it out of her before the sobbing did. Her breath completely disappeared as she felt the pain of it gripping her throat. She choked out a cry, and Angie immediately pulled her in again. Jas crumpled into her, curling into a ball, as Angie wrapped her arms around her head. Jas wailed into her chest, as every part of her being caved in on itself.

"Breathe, babe. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here . Youcef, go tell the others what actually fucking happened please."

Angie's arms pulled her closer and closer into her, as Youcef immediately turned on his heel and squared up on Dylan, who had a good four or five inches on him.

"You, step away from her. If I see you near her again, we will have a problem. Do you understand?"

Dylan threw his hands up, clearly a little intimidated by the depth of Youcef's anger, and turned away.

Jas could hear something going on in the kitchen, and a hell of a lot of screaming matches, which, from what she could hear, seemed to almost exclusively directed at Dylan.

She thought she even heard Youcef screaming at someone at one point.

But the one she felt the worst about was Tom and Valentina having a blowup, which she felt awful about. Poor Valentina. She was completely innocent in all of this. She'd just been trying to help.

She couldn't make out individual words, so she just let the exhaustion from sobbing take her, until she felt herself falling into what she was sure would be the worst night's sleep she'd ever had. 

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