Some bird

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Bruno stood in his safe place, wasting a fuckton of water.

He always felt guilty about that.

Why does my go-to safe place have to be so environmentally damaging?

He sighed, and turned the water off, just as he heard the bathroom door close.

"Bruno? Honey?"


"Yeah. I'm here."

He dried himself off, pulling his pyjamas on. He stepped out, and Cora immediately threw her arms around him. " Oh babe. Look at you. You're a right mess."

He turned his head, and caught sight of himself in the mirror. He couldn't help but chuckle a little. He looked awful . He'd obviously been crying, and his eyes were puffy from it.

"I look like shit" he chuckled.

"Yeah, babe, you do." Cora laughed.

She let him go, and he walked into the bedroom.

"I can not believe you, Bruno. I thought more of you than this." Youcef snapped at him the second he stepped out of the room.

Bruno looked shocked. "...What? Me? What are you talking about? She kissed someone else."

Youcef glared at him. Bruno wasn't sure he'd ever seen Youcef properly angry before, but it was quite intimidating.

Cora bit her lip.

"What's going on? What are you not telling me?" Bruno asked her.

"Um... so... Angie and Youcef got the full story. Apparently Dylan had been negging her the whole date. Like, giving her backhanded compliments to make her feel really insecure. And then like... once he'd gotten her to a place where she was feeling really shitty about herself, he said just enough to very strongly imply that you and Valentina were sleeping together. He's like, properly manipulated her into this. She trusted him."

Bruno shook his head. "That's just it though. While his behaviour was really, really shitty, she still trusted him over me . She let him kiss her. She knew it was the wrong thing to do. She said so herself."

Youcef raised his voice slightly. "No, Bruno. Open your fucking ears"

Bruno paused. Youcef... did not often swear. It sounded so vulgar coming from him. So... disdainful.

Cora put her hand on Bruno's arm.

"He kissed her . So yeah, like, they did kiss. But it wasn't a full on snogfest that Dylan was making out that it was. It was one kiss. And then he tried again and was being pretty forceful about it, and she slapped him. So... yeah... oh! And also, she made a formal complaint to the producers about it."

"Then why did she tell him not to tell me?"

Cora and Youcef looked at each other.

Youcef rolled his eyes in frustration. "She didn't tell you right away because she thought you might react in a way that would get you kicked out of the villa ."

"Wait... what? "

Youcef raised his voice even louder. He was spitting with fury as he got right in to Bruno's face.

"Yes. Bruno. Because once again, Jasmine is putting everyone else before herself. But even if she had kissed him, so what?!"

"So what?! What do you mean so what?! "

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now