You are my priority

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It was almost as if no one had thought to do the maths until that very moment.

Tom dug his phone out of his pocket, his face falling into deep worry as he read it.

Tom, as you are the last boy standing, you need to pick which girl you want to couple up with. Angie or Valentina?

Oh my god.

He's going to pick Valentina. He already knew he didn't like Angie.

The realisation that Angie might be going home hit her like...

Her voice broke.

"No" Jas felt the tears welling up in her eyes. The lump in her throat was so thick that she felt like she would suffocate. She could barely even speak. "Angie! No!"

Bruno held her. He whispered. "Whatever happens, babe, I'm here. It'll be okay."

Tom looked like he was about to cry.

He took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting this tonight. You're both such amazing girls, but..."

His voice cracked. Jas's heart hurt for him. But she felt anger bubbling inside her. How could he do this to her? After breaking up her and Bruno, being the catalyst for a fight that was so massive it almost broke them up, he was going to send home her best friend? Valentina was a fucking bitch . She was nasty . She was awful . Jas might be exaggerating a little, but come on , he had the choice of Angie!

"I don't want either of you to go," he said.

Jas could see the stress on his face.

"But I already know that I don't have a connection with one of these girls. I'm so sorry."

Jas felt like she was going to throw up. Everything in her being was willing Tom to pick Angie. Please. Please please please she willed him.

"I... I pick Valentina."

"No!" Jas cried.

She immediately ran to Angie, throwing her arms around her neck.

Jas was sobbing . "You can't. You can't. I can't do this without you. Angie , no ."

Angie stroked her hair, tearing up.

Everyone else was just completely silent. The heartbreak was palpable. Even Valentina looked sad at what her being chosen meant.

Jas just held on to her best friend, sobbing, as she heard Angie's voice cracking as she held onto her just as tightly.

"You're the best friend I've ever had, Jas. Really. Forever. I'm gonna be the first one to slap you across the face when you win this thing. I love you so much."

"Angie, I love you so much. You're my best friend too. I could never have done this without you. You're actually my favourite. Fuck Bruno." she said, laughing.

"Hey!" he said, Jas feeling very appreciative that he knew it was a joke.

Her phone chimed. "I guess this is it, then"

She took out her phone.

Angie, you've ended up single in tonight's recoupling, but this isn't the end of your time in the villa.

" What?" Jas said

They both wiped the tears from their eyes, as they re-read the text on Angie's phone.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now