Here goes

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As everyone broke off into their couples, Jas could feel him smiling into her as he held her.

"Have you calmed down yet?" she giggled..

"Nah" he said, chuckling. "Don't think I ever will."

She leaned back, drinking him in again.

Of course he was in pink. Of course he was. If there was any colour in the world that made sense for Bruno to be wearing a suit of, it was pink. The cheekiness. The playfulness. The boldness. But there was a sincerity in it. A quiet confidence. Almost encouraging people to comment on it. He got a thrill from knowing he stood out. A born showman.

It was one of the things she loved most about him. He was just unashamedly himself.

Plus it didn't hurt that he looked fucking incredible. The exact shade of pink complimented his tanned skin perfectly. The white shirt, no tie look.

"You look so hot babe. Pink is definitely your colour"

"My colour? My colour? You want to talk about things looking good on people? Jesus Christ, Jas. That dress is something else baby. I've honestly never... just... wow. It's just a shame you won't have it on long."

Jas laughed "Oh, really? See I was kind of looking forward to keeping your suit on you later."

"Oh, is that right?"

"Mmhmm. The top half at least." They both chuckled. "But honestly, Bruno, you look amazing ."

"Scrub up arright then?" He laughed, flashing her his widest grin, biting his lip.

The tiny dimple in his chin appeared, and she almost swooned. She shook her head, smiling. "That implies you don't look good all the time, which you absolutely do. But you look especially hot in a suit."

Music started from out of nowhere, and the four couples immediately ran to the dancefloor, twirling and squealing as they admired each other's outfits.

Valentina gasped, pointing at Bruno and Jas. "You guys should show us your dance moves!"

As if on cue, A particularly perfect song started, and Bruno looked at Jas, raising his eyebrows, and she grinned.

She tied her dress up slightly, and he held out his arm to her. She got into position, and they started slowly, before he quietly counted them in, and he twirled her at an incredible speed.

The others gasped and cheered, clapping a beat as they danced, with Jas giggling like mad as they went hard in front of everyone.

He held her against him, as she let him lead her completely, and he smiled at how deeply she trusted him. She followed his every move. It was like they could read each others' minds. Everywhere he wanted to step, she was there with him. If he wanted her to twist in a direction, she was already halfway there before he'd even guided her. It was just their chemistry.

As the song ended, he twirled her once more, and she undid her dress with a curtsy, as he bowed and the others cheered.

The eight of them danced for what seemed like hours, only stopping to top up the liquid courage they were going to need for their speeches.

A slower dance came on and he pulled her into him. Her arms fell around his neck, feeling like they belonged there, and they swayed together. The feeling of her body pressed to his almost seemed to recharge him. He just felt so at home with her. He rested his head on the side of hers.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now