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Bruno watched Jas walk into the villa, and tried to re-engage in the conversation in front of him. But he glanced over to see Youcef talking alone with his sister, an incredibly smug look on his face, as Zanna looked mildly impressed by whatever flirtation the model was throwing at her. He offered her his arm, and she took it, as he led her toward the outdoor bar.

Bruno frowned, and excused himself again. He came up behind them, unlinking Zanna's arm from Youcef's. They turned, surprised, and Bruno pointed a warning finger at the frenchman.

"I'm watchin' you"

Zanna burst out laughing, and Youcef burst into a wide smile, chuckling at Bruno.

He smiled back, and walked off toward the villa, wordless, silently vowing to kick Youcef's arse if he ever actually went for it.

As he entered the villa, he saw Flick, Alex, and Gabi in the kitchen, talking with Hazeem and Dylan.

He called out to them. "Oi Gab, what's the sentence for murder in Spain?"

"15 to 20 years" she immediately responded.

He smiled at how easily she picked up on his joke. "Oh yeah? Why'd you look that up, then?"

She glared at Dylan. " No reason" .

God he loved his sisters . They just... got him .

Everyone laughed, and Bruno walked over to Dylan, offering his left hand for him to shake. Dylan looked surprised, but gladly took it.

"Bruno, I... I'm really sorry. Hazeem's been talking some sense into me. I... shouldn't have cracked on with your woman. You'd already staked a claim on her, and it was really disrespectful."

Hazeem pinched the bridge of his nose in disbelief. "No, Dylan. That's not what I... No. "

Dylan looked confused, but Bruno smiled at Hazeem. "Hey, it's alright. He's trying. Or at least... seems to be trying so he doesn't get murdered."

He smiled at Dylan, who looked grateful. Bruno turned, slipped under the ' No Access' barrier on the staircase that had been set up for the party, and jogged upstairs. He slipped into the boys' changeroom, and out the door, and felt a wave of relief at seeing her. Just her.

He couldn't even wait for her to sit down before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pressing his lips to the side of her head. The scent of her hair washed over him, making him feel like he was safe for the first time in hours. This was the only place in the world where he felt like everything was quiet. Everything was right.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling herself into his chest, and inhaled deeply.

" Oh god, I needed this" . She moaned.

"What, a hug?"

"Yes. A quiet hug. A hug where I actually get to breathe you in for a second."

He chuckled. "I was just thinking that. You always make me feel so calm."

"Can we sit? My feet are killing me already." she groaned. He led her over to the benches on the far side of the terrace, away from the edges where they could be seen. He guided her toward the corner seat, and then moved to sit down by her feet. He lifted them, placing them on his lap, and clumsily unstrapped her heels as best he could with only one hand.

Jas allowed it, shooting him a questioning look.

As soon as they were off, he picked one up, and pressed his thumbs into the soles of her feet, making her groan loudly.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now