I'm not losing you again

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As everyone got ready for bed, Jas realised her water bottle was empty. She grabbed hers and Bruno's, and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Almost as soon as she turned on the water, she felt a hand on her waist. She jumped a mile in the air.

" Hey, " Kelly said, her voice low.

"Oh, um, hi Kelly," Jas said, speaking a little bit too fast.

"I was hoping I'd catch you alone"

Jas gulped. "Oh yeah? Um, why's that?"

"I wanted to... you know... get to know you a bit better. Talk to you a bit."

Jas laughed nervously, blushing a little. "Yeah?" she laughed again. "Not much to know, really."

"Well... maybe we could... I don't know, spend a bit more time together. I realised earlier that our tour didn't include the roof terrace. Maybe you could show me where it is?"

Kelly bit her lip as Jas looked down at the water bottles, both of them now completely full. Her hands shook a little as she screwed the lids back on.

"Yeah, sure! Come with me" Jas started nervously back toward the stairs, having to over concentrate on not falling flat on her face as she ascended.

As they reached the top, Jas pointed.

"Um, if you go up those stairs, there's a door at the top that leads to the change rooms, and then through to the roof terrace. I'd come out there with you, but, you know..." She held up the two water bottles in her hands. "I have to um... get this back to Bruno"

"Careful, babe. You'll spoil him!" Kelly looked at her, an unreadable look on her face.


Why was she suddenly hearing references to money everywhere? Was this all in her head?

Or... had people been trying to warn her about this for ages, and she'd just never noticed it?

One thing was for certain, though, she knew there was one kind of uncertainty she definitely did not need right now.

"I... Kelly, wait."

Kelly took a step toward her.

"I just... I need you to stop. Flirting with me. It's making me a little bit uncomfortable."

"Oh... OH! Oh my gosh, Jas, I'm so sorry, I thought you liked girls!"

"I do!"

Kelly frowned, confused.

"I think you're stunning, and if we'd met earlier I would have loved to give things a shot between us, but I need you to stop. I'm all in on Bruno, and my head's not going to turn. Sorry to be blunt, I just needed to say it."

Kelly sighed. "Can't say I'm not disappointed. But you can't blame me for giving it a shot. Friends?"

Jas smiled at her. "Friends."

Kelly grinned at her, shaking her head. "Careful with that boy, Jas. You guys sure are invested in each other."

Jas walked into the bedroom, finding Bruno already in bed waiting for her, talking softly to Tom & Valentina beside them. His face warmed when he saw her, and he tilted his head to the side in appreciation when he spotted his water bottle in her hand.

"You're sweet, babe. Thank you!"

She smiled warmly at him as she slipped into the bed beside him. He wrapped his arms around her as soon as she did, and she was grateful for it. She sank into his arms; a feeling of relief and safety washing over her.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now