He's just kidding... right?

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Bruno & Jas walked into the bedroom and almost immediately froze.

Two new islanders .

Jas gasped, clapping her hand to her mouth, trying not to wake everyone else.

"Hey!" she whispered "You're not meant to be here! Don't you know this is an exclusive villa?"

The absolutely ripped, exquisitely handsome mega-hunk smiled at them. "If it's exclusive, then I am definitely where I need to be"

The petite, striking girl with brightly coloured eyeshadow contrasting against her dark skin giggled. "And believe me, having seen the talent here, exclusive isn't a word I'm looking to add to my vocabulary any time soon"

Jas laughed, and looked up at Bruno, who also laughed. She giggled a little at his delayed reaction.

He awkwardly shook both new islanders' hands. They introduced themselves as Tom & Cora.

Jas smiled. "Sorry about Bruno. He's had a big night."

"Oh, party?" Cora asked, sweetly.

"Nope." she smiled. "Hideaway"

The four of them sniggered, quietly. James started to wake at the noise, and Jas leaped over to his side of the bed, quietly clasping her hand over his mouth.

She whispered directly into his ear.

"James, we have two new islanders. Be very, very quiet, and slide out of your bed immediately."

He raised his eyebrows, waking up very quickly, and did as he was told.

Jas pointed at Tom, and pointed to the spot in James's bed next to a still-sleeping Angie.

The others, including James, giggled furiously, trying desperately to keep quiet.

Jas crept back over to the others, as Bruno went over to the doorway, and switched on the lights.

"Rise and shiiiiiiine sleepyheads!" he sang

The other islanders slowly woke up, and one by one, slowly noticed Cora, sitting on the end of Bruno & Jas's bed.


"Oh my gosh!"

"Hey! New Girl!"

The others snapped their eyes open. Angie sat up, slowly. "Huh? What's going on? New Girl?

As if on cue, Tom sat up too. "New girl? Where?"

Angie looked at him and screamed , picking up her pillow and smacking him across the face with it. She tried to jump out of the bed, but got tangled in her blankets, falling straight to the floor.

Bruno, James,Cora, and Tom, almost fell out of their respective beds in hysterics.

Jas had to crawl to Angie, she was laughing so hard. Angie was lying on her back, holding her sides, laughing so hard she wasn't making any noise.

"Oh my god, your face. Your fucking face Ange"

Angie smacked her hands around in the air, trying desperately to slap Jas. Jas wrestled her a little, grabbing her arms, but Angie was far too strong and held her easily.

She eventually sat up, pointing at Tom.

"No, but seriously, who are you"

"I'm Tom" he beamed at them. "It's a pleasure to meet you"

"And I'm Cora" the girl smiled. "We're so excited to finally be here."

"Honestly, what a welcome" Tom laughed.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now