Trust me on this

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After their showers, they made their way to the kitchen, where everyone was bustling about.

Youcef smiled at Tom.

"Thomas, would you mind passing me the coffee?"

Tom frowned at him. "But Najuma's right..."

Valentina elbowed him. He looked at her, a little frightened, and passed the coffee to Youcef.

Najuma smiled sweetly at Tom.

"In an act of pure maturity, he's decided he's not speaking to me"

She glared at Youcef, who turned his head, pretending that she didn't exist.

Jas frowned at them both.

Bruno leant down, whispering in her ear. "Okay... Wow. That's gotten a little chillier since last night."

She nodded. "Don't worry. I'll talk to Najuma. But not when they're like this. They're useless to talk to when they're all stubborn like this".

He hugged her, and she turned around so she could hug him back. He started swaying from side to side, and then took her hand and started twirling her. She giggled, and he started humming an upbeat tune, spinning her around faster. She squealed.

"Babe you know I can't dance!"

"I've seen you dance, you're a great dancer!"

"Yeah but I don't know how to do it properly, what is this, the tango?"

He threw his hands in the air in mock frustration.

"Babe, what good are you to me if you don't even know a salsa from the tango?"

Jas laughed as he dramatically twirled over to Najuma, reaching out his hand to her. She shook her head, clearly not in the mood.

"I'll get a dance out of you one day, grumpy guts."

Najuma smiled a little, and he stuck his tongue out at her, before twirling and stepping back into the kitchen.

"Valentinanator , dance with me"

She laughed at the return of her stupid nickname. He hummed the tune, and she immediately took his hand, joining in his morning salsa as everyone laughed happily. Thabi took over humming the tune, clearly familiar with it, and Tom started tapping a beat. Jas watched, grinning, as Bruno & Valentina danced very well around the kitchen.

Jas had been super impressed watching Valentina and Najuma dancing together, but it occurred to her that, other than seeing him dancing at a few cocktail parties, she was the only one that had seen the true... extent ... of Bruno's dancing ability.

Everyone looked mildly surprised at how fabulously coordinated Bruno and Valentina looked as they stepped together. Jas grinned, watching them, laughing a little at how shocked everyone was. Especially Valentina, who looked extremely impressed as Bruno led her, but unlike Jas, she seemed to know precisely what to do to follow his lead.

"Can you do bachata?" She asked

"Can I do bachata?" he scoffed. "Dominican or moderna?"

She squealed. "Dominican!"

He twirled her around, keeping with the rhythm of the song, stepping back and forth with her, everyone grinning at their happy expressions. They were both properly in their element. Eventually, he twirled Valentina a final time, before throwing his hands up showing he was done.

He went back to Jas, and she threw her arms around him, as everyone applauded the show.

"I'm gonna need another shower, I'm all sweaty" He laughed.

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