You seem keen

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Bruno's date was going reasonably well, he thought.

He tried to be as polite as he could, without crossing any lines. He told her some of his jokes, laughed at hers, and generally just tried to keep things as platonic as possible.

He could tell the producers were getting frustrated at how friendly and non-committal he was being.

Eventually, they stopped at a small picnic. Cora handed him some suncream.

"Do my back, babe?"

The cameraman zoomed in closer.

Bruno rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure."

He rubbed the lotion in, touching her as little as possible.

She looked back at him, sadly.

"You know, you're really different in person than you are on TV."

"Oh, really? How so?

"Well on TV, you're so romantic and cute, and like, flirty."

He went to shrug, but she continued

"Or... is it... is it just me?"

He looked at his feet, feeling very, very guilty.

"Cora, it's not just you. I promise. I'm sorry... I'm really only interested in Jas."

She frowned, looking at her own feet. "I get it. I see that now, and I'm sorry I put you in an awkward situation."

They sat in silence until Cora spoke again.

"It's so unfair. I just feel like I'm always the one who doesn't get picked. For anything. Especially by boys. Girls who look like Jas and girls who look like me just aren't even in the same league."

Bruno's heart broke for her. God, he knew that feeling all too well.

He put his arm around her. "Don't say that, you can't think of yourself that way, Cora, anyone would be lucky to be with you. You are beyond gorgeous."

She turned back to face him, her eyes glassy and wet.


"Yes, really!"

"Even someone like you?"

"Especially someone like me. But I promise you, that's not a good thing. Believe me, I'm really annoying."

"So, do you think your head could be turned?

He shook his head. "I'm pretty much all in for Jas at this point. "

"Wow. Jas is a lucky girl" Cora smiled.

"Nope. I'm the lucky one"

"I just feel really lucky to be here with you, Bruno".

"We can still be friends, and hang out, Cora, you're a really cool girl."

"I always just thought that like, with how similar our careers are, like with touring and performing, that we'd be a really good match."

"Well, I'm not nearly at that stage yet, pun intended by the way."

She laughed. "So nothing formal?"

"Oh, I've definitely had some pretty great gigs, I've opened for a few reasonably big names, and bombed more than my fair share of interviews"

"Oh, I kill it in interviews! "Well, have you ever done an interview with a journalist?"


"Well," she continued "You'll have to, once you're a big star. I've done a few for my singing. Want to practice with me? I can get to know you better, and you can practice interviewing!"

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