Quick chat?

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Unfortunately, when Bruno & Jas got outside, the hot Spanish sun could do nothing to melt the tension. It was arctic.

Cora, Oliver, and Youcef sat at the firepit with Angie, who was furiously glaring at James, Tom, Thabi, and Valentina, who sat on the beanbags.

Bruno took Jas's hand, walking up toward the firepit. When James spotted her, he went to stand up, but Bruno held a finger up at him, telling him to stay away. His face fell.

"Bruno, why don't you let Jas decide if she wants to let him apologise?" Tom called. "He didn't mean anything by it."

"Shut up, Tom." Bruno called back.

"Ridiculous". Tom huffed.

Bruno froze. "You got somethin' to say , mate? Or you just gonna go back to sitting there and not saying anything? You seem to be pretty good at it!"

"Bruno, stop." Thabi pleaded. "James really didn't mean it."

"Didn't mean to lipread and recite an entire conversation?" Jas added, angrily. "How do you do that without meaning to?"

"Jas, please. He really didn't."

"You can't seriously be sticking up for him? I know he's your man, Thabi, but you're seriously going to pretend that what he did wasn't a shitty thing to do?"

Thabi glanced at James, then looked back at her. "I.... I really don't think he meant it."

James glanced up at Jas. "I didn't, Jas. But even so, it's me you should be mad at, not her."

Bruno watched as James took Thabi's hand, squeezing it. Jas glared and motioned to the circle.

"All four of you are involved in this. You most of all, James, but any one of you could have stopped it. Clearly Thabi doesn't have enough spine to stand up to her man, but Tom and Valentina, you just sat there and let it happen."

Valentina pleaded with her. "Jas, it happened really fast. We didn't realise how serious it all was until we'd already heard the part about Youcef telling you he had feelings for you."

As Valentina spoke, Bruno saw Angie coming down from the firepit. Unfortunately, it was also the exact moment that Najuma made her way out of the villa with Will and Tiff, who had returned from their date. She froze.

"Wait, what? " Najuma wandered over. Valentina went white as a sheet. Youcef, Cora, and Oliver clearly realised that this was happening now, and made their way down.

Najuma pointed at him. "You have feelings for Jas?"

Tiff gasped. "You told her? Youcef, what?!"

"You knew?!" Najuma looked at Tiff, horrified.

Tiff went paler than usual. "Well... yeah, I mean... but..."

"And you didn't think to give anyone a heads up?" Cora gasped.

"It's not my business. That's Youcef's responsibility to tell you. And I kind of can't believe he didn't ... Youcef?"

Youcef furrowed his brow. "I told Najuma I wanted to talk to her about where we were, and she's been avoiding me, again . I had a rare opportunity to be able to speak with Jasmine alone, so I took it."

Bruno glared at him, then looked at Jas.

She was glaring at him, too. "I'm very surprised you didn't wait until you'd spoken to Najuma first."

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now