Them's fighting words

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Bruno lay back on the gym bench as Jas stood over the top of him.

He groaned "Ten!"

"That was nine, babe" she smiled

His arms shook a little as he pressed the heavy bar again "Fifteen"

"You're a dork, Bruno."

God, he loved making her laugh.

He hooked the bar back onto the rack and reached up towards Jas's face.

"Ooh! Ooh! Spiderman kiss!" She bent down excitedly, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Could do with some rain" he groaned. "I'm already so hot and sweaty"

"Urgh, don't jinx it!" she whined. "If it rains because of you, Bruno, I'll throw something at you"

"Ooh, can it be yourself?"

"Pfft" she laughed "Already doing that part"

He laughed, blushing furiously, as they got back into their workout. Squats, pushups, sit-ups... she made it so fun. She wiggled her bum in his face doing squats. Gave him a kiss for each situp while she held his feet. He had always hated exercise. But this? Hanging out with her? Sneaking kisses where they could? He could do it all day. They felt like a couple. It was almost too good to be true.

He stood, stretching tall. "I'm gonna go have a shower and a bit of breakfast."

She nodded, squeezing his hand. "I might do the rounds, have a chat with some of the girls. I'll see you in the kitchen in a bit?"

"Sounds good, babe" He leaned down, pressing a small kiss into her hair.

He felt her watching him as he walked back towards the villa, walking on bloody sunshine.

It was going to be a good day.


Having chatted to everyone she could find, Jas decided it was well time to find Bruno. She saw him before he saw her, and she watched as he glided around the kitchen, dancing to some fun, upbeat song. She leaned against the door frame, waiting for him to notice he wasn't alone.

" Now every time I go for the mailbox gotta hold myself dowwwnnnnn"

She beamed. Trust. 80's pop. That's so his vibe.

" Cause I just can't wait 'til you write me you're comin' around"

He pulled out the cutlery drawer, grabbing a spoon, spinning around, and bumping it closed with his hip, when he finally spotted her. He blushed, and for a second she thought it might have been better to pretend she hadn't seen him. But she saw his eyes light up, as he bounded over to her, holding the spoon for her like a microphone.

She wrapped her hands around his and the spoon, belting like a rockstar " I'm walking on sunshine, woahhhhhh"

He joined her, as they karaoke'd the rest of the chorus, punching the air like idiots and beaming at each other, finishing in him throwing his arms around her, laughing loudly.

"You caught me," he laughed.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen" she groaned at him, her voice muffled as she spoke directly into his chest.

"It's stuck in my head today, for some reason"

She leaned back, looking up at him, dreamily. "You're stuck in my head today, for some reason"

He beamed at her "Awwww! Babe!"

She glared at him. "You smell different, though!"

He nodded. "Yeah, I couldn't find my body spray. Youcef let me use his. It's got Jasmine in it!"

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