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Bruno awoke with the dawn, the early morning chill nipping at his face. The rest of him was so warm and cozy, snuggled up and spooning Jas, his hand comfortably inside her hoodie, holding her boob, where it belonged. He'd almost forgotten that they'd slept on the daybeds.

He shuffled back a little, making sure the covers didn't lift too much, trying to avoid her being subject to any of the cool morning air.

Almost as soon as he got out of bed, his phone chimed.

Bruno, please go to the beach hut

He sighed, rolling his eyes, making his way there.


Bruno, how are you feeling about Kobi leaving?

"Oh, so relieved. God I hated that guy." he beamed at the camera. "Just kidding, obviously, I'm honestly pretty cut up about it. Kobi's my best mate, and it's going to be a lot harder to be in here without him."

Does having Jas make it easier to deal with?

"Yeah. Absolutely it does. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without her."

You and Jas seem to be a very strong couple. Do you think you'll make it to the finale?

He shook his head, smiling a little. "I hope so! I think we're both entertaining enough for people to keep us here."

Do you love her?

Bruno froze. His whole body blushed. Think think think think.

He grinned widely at the camera. "Not happening. Did Jas put you up to this? I'm not saying it!"

The producers laughed, nodding toward the door for him to go.


He trudged up toward the kitchen, filling the kettle, and flicked it on. He leaned against the counter as it boiled, smiling out toward the daybeds at the as-yet undisturbed Jas.

There was very little doubt in his mind that he loved her.

It was so hard not to say it, but they both knew that they couldn't.

He did the maths in his head. If Jas had come in on day three, and he'd come in two days after her... that meant that today was day 15. Halfway. They were halfway through Love Island. He only had a maximum of two more weeks until he'd get to take her home and introduce her to his family. It made him so nervous, but he was so excited. He knew they were pretty much ready to go. But that was still two more weeks of having to dodge the bombs the producers would try and throw at them.

But he couldn't tell her he loved her. Not yet. Because... you just don't. He knew what it would open them up to. Telling Jas he loved her put a huge target on their backs. From the other islanders. From the producers. From the public. No one wants to watch a couple love each other unconditionally for a month. They want the uncertainty. The manufactured drama. Breakups. Fights. And then huge declarations of love towards the end. If he wanted to stay here with Jas, he was going to have to keep it to himself.

It was going to be harder to try and wrap his head around this stuff without Kobi. He knew that the biggest risk for him was if he got too into his own head. If he started doubting himself. Doubting Jas. Doubting what they had. He just had to try to remember.

She was so wonderful. She knew when to distract him, when to make him laugh, and when to just let him be sad. Unconditionally supporting him. God she was wonderful.

This time, I'm seriousWhere stories live. Discover now