Safe to fail

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The family weren't able to stay for too much longer after lunch, and Bruno looked really sad to see his mum and sister go. He still still quite obviously furious at Gabi... but it had all worked out in the end.

Jas was the one who'd made her way back in to pick up Liv. Bruno immediately took the baby carrier, placing Liv into it, and waving the doll's arms at everyone as they said goodbye. It seemed to trigger something in the doll, which started giggling, much to Jas's annoyance, and everyone else's entertainment.

"Literally everything you do makes her happy! "

Bruno laughed. "She's a Daddy's girl, yes she is!"

Lila inhaled sharply, and pulled an adorable face. "Oh god, I could get used to that."

Jas laughed. "See! He's so good at it! "

David grinned at her, pulling her into a hug. "Don't worry, darling. I was much, much worse. I almost dropped Flick about six times on the day she was born."

Jas laughed, and whispered back. "Thanks, Dad."

"I love you so much darling. And I know it wouldn't stop you even if we didn't, but gosh we approve of Bruno. He's just lovely "

"You're just sayin' that so he'll go to the footie with you"

Bruno looked over. "Footie?"

Jas and her Dad burst out laughing.

"Babe, of course you overhear one word, and it's that one "

Bruno grinned at her as they finished hugging their family, getting another quick hug from Kala, and a promise that they'd come to Leeds for her birthday, because her friends were all super jealous that her sister was on Love Island.

Angie was rolling her eyes and cringing, but Kala got an enthusiastic yes from Jas & Bruno, making Angie smile a little.

As the families rolled away in the waiting Jeeps, Jas felt a little teary again.

"Come on, people." Valentina called. "I need a bloody drink"


Bruno crouched on his mark, Liv strapped securely in the baby carrier.

"On your marks!" Jas cried.

The obstacle course the girls had set up looked a lot more difficult now that he was facing it from this angle. It was their punishment for abandoning them to take care of their children alone. But it was all in good fun. All the boys completing the obstacle course, with the babies in their baby carriers. He wasn't the best at athletic challenges, though.

"Get set!"

Why had he suggested this?


He sprang off his mark, hoping his additional height and long strides would at least give him an advantage over Tom and James. He leapt over the beanbags, holding Liv steady in her carrier, and arrived at the trestle tables.

He dove onto his back, unable to crawl underneath them, and kicked his heels into the ground, shuffling backwards so as not to crush Liv.

"Go Bruno!" Thabi yelled, somewhat in disbelief.

"Watch out!" Angie laughed, as Bruno heard someone coming up behind him.

He shuffled faster, coming out ahead, and rolled onto his feet, stumbling a little at not being able to use his right hand to balance him. In the hesitation, Ollie overtook him, laughing, as Bruno chased him up around the back of the firepit lounges.

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