Never Have I Ever: Part I

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Jas lay stretched out, lounging in the hot sun. Kobi lay next to her, an arm draped lazily around her shoulders. Hazeem shared a beanbag with Najuma, but the top half of her body seemed to be leaning away from him. Will and Thabi sat an awkward distance apart, as Angie, Bruno, and Youcef reclined on beanbags of their own. Kobi lazily recounted a trip to Ibiza, while everyone smugly imagined the weather back home.

Youcef rambled about his hair, and Bruno teased him by gently ruffling it. He glanced over at Jas, checking to see if she was watching him. She was dozing off, her head resting lightly on Kobi's arm, and he felt a little jealous at how comfortable she seemed to be with him.

He focussed on the conversation just as Kobi explained the details of a game he'd learned at a Bridal shower.

"Aw, Never Have I Ever sounds fun" he whined.

Angie looked over. "That game always gets way too personal".

The group started bickering pros and cons of the game. Jas stirred briefly with a "Hmmm?", as Kobi leant down to catch her up. She nodded. "Nah that sounds like fun. Can we play?"

"Yesssssss!" Bruno hissed. A chance to get to know people a bit better. Especially Jas. It also meant they'd need drinks. Bruno wondered how casually he could invite Jas without making it awkward.

Be casual Bruno. Casual. Super Casual. Don't be weird .

"If we're playing, though, we're going to need drinks!" He said, casually. He casually rolled forward to stand up out of the beanbag, looking extremely uncasual. "Jas, want to help me make some?"

Jas extended her hand in response.

Bruno took it and hoisted her up, using all of his strength to make it look like he was, like, super strong, and that he could casually lift her, no worries.

"Race ya" he yelled, taking off.

He looked over his shoulder, hoping for a laugh from her, and almost stumbled when he saw her immediately break out in a sprint.

"Oh sh-" he breathed, quickening his legs, as she quickly closed the distance. He almost collapsed from laughing as they raced, Jas just barely beating him to the kitchen counter.

He bowed at her dramatically, and she laughed, both of them pretending not to be out of breath.

"You're fast", he panted.

"Oh yeah" she responded "I've won awards"

He looked at her, surprised. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, I came first in cross country when I was 9"

He grinned at her "Holy shit, first ? And here I was thinking I did well with eighteenth."

"Yep, my single proudest achievement to date"

"Oh as it should be" he nodded, incredibly seriously. "I hope you kept the ribbon"

"Are you having me on? Of course I kept it, it's framed and hanging in pride of place in my parents house. Right next to my brother's wedding photos and a picture of my sister getting her Masters degree."

"Oof, same. Two older sisters. A doctor and a mechanical engineer. And then me, the standup comedian. Maybe they'll frame a picture of me making it on to love island"

She laughed, bumping him with her hip. "So what are we going to put in this drink?"

"Well" he mused "It's a bit early for booze... given it's-" he glanced outside and murmured " - taking into account the angle of the sun, the direction of shadows - daytime".

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