Her Majesty

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Jas sat on Najuma's bed, surrounded by all the other girls.

"Honestly, this is the most bad-bitch exit from Love Island ever. " Angie mused.

Tiff nodded. "It was extremely badass. We have to have a big watch party together. You yelling insults at Dylan after refusing to recouple with him?" she brought her hand to her lips, imitating a chef's kiss. "Mwah" .

"Very on-brand." Cora

Thabi was still crying, and was being consoled by Tiff and Valentina. She sobbed. "I just can't believe you're leaving."

"Neither" Najuma laughed. "But honestly, girls, it's my time. I'm done here. As soon as I realised it was over for Youcef and me, I knew I'd be going one way or another. At least this way, it's on my terms. And I get to rid the villa of the Dylan plague."

Jas couldn't help but feel like this was entirely her fault. Dylan had come here for her . Youcef had confessed his feelings to her; of course she refused to take him back. Jas would have done the same thing. And now, Najuma, her dynamite queen, her bottle-rocket in leather, was going home. She was so sad that someone else's chance at finding love had been so completely fucked. By her. She felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry" she whispered.

Najuma looked at her. "Jas... Cookie... it's really not your fault. I'm so sorry for what I said before. Cora was right. It was wrong of me to blame you. I know you would never have encouraged any feelings from him."

"You know I would never. You're my muffin!" Jas gasped, and then groaned loudly. "Oh my god... I never realised until now. I could have called Youcef... my muffin's man!"

Najuma groaned, and cracked up laughing, crash tackling her onto the bed. "You are the biggest dork I've ever met. You and Bruno are idiots, and I HATE how awful and lame you both are. But you have to move to Liverpool with him. 'Cos then you'll only be an hour away!"

"Seconded!" Cora called. "And only two hours from me!"

"Thirded!" Angie laughed.

"Fourthed?" Valentina laughed.

Jas laughed. "Honestly... I am considering it. There're a few really good art galleries in Liverpool..."

The girls squealed excitedly.

"Hey! What about us?" Tiff giggled. "Me and Thabi are down south!"

"Move in with Me, Angie, Bruno, and Kobi... and now Oliver? You and Youcef and Thabi and James can come too. Who else is down south? Hazeem?"

Thabi smiled at Jas, clearly relieved to be included. "Yeah, and we could have recouplings, too! 'Anyone left single does the dishes' "

Angie laughed. "Imagine the size of the house we'd need."

"Imagine the size of the house we could afford with all of us splitting the rent." Cora mused.

They all daydreamed for a moment. Valentina groaned. "We could have a bloody castle ."

"Maybe we can borrow one of Tom's?" Tiff teased, making the girls crack up again.

"I'm going to miss you girls so much." Najuma grinned, but her bottom lip quivered.

"Awwwwwwwwww " They cooed, and the girls got up, wrapping her in a group hug.


Bruno waited outside with the boys, and the producers, clearly trying to start something, made him stand between Tom and James. He said nothing to them, still waiting for them to apologise for their shitty behaviour. But the longer it went on, the more tense it got.

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