Happily Ever After Part II

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Do you want kids?

Do I want kids?


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes .

Do I want them to be Jas's kids?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Does Jas want kids?

I have no fucking idea.

Bruno's stomach twisted into a knot. Fuck ! Why hadn't they spoken about it? For all their plans. For all their joking around... he'd never actually asked her. He assumed she did... but... could he assume?

It wasn't the same for her, after all.

She was an artist. That didn't come with a lot of flexibility for maternity leave. It wasn't like she could just get someone to fill in for her if she suddenly found herself on bedrest. Or if she even wanted to have biological kids?

God, it was so unfair. Having kids was such an unfair burden on her. He wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to have kids. But... god he wanted them so badly.

But he wanted her more. He wanted her more than anything he'd ever wanted in his life. Plus, his sisters Gabi and Zanna were both planning on having kids. If Jas didn't want kids, he could live with being the fun uncle who spoiled them rotten.

So... what was he supposed to write down?

If he wrote Yes , and she wrote No , how could he ever convince her that he was okay with it just being him and her?

If he wrote No , and she wrote Yes , she'd always have a doubt in the back of her mind that it wasn't what he wanted. Plus, he'd be lying to her. But how could he convince her that he really did after publicly declaring that he didn't?

But he still couldn't write Yes. The pressure on her was so much more than it was on him.

He couldn't exactly write " It's up to her" . Because it wasn't just up to her. And it made it look like he didn't care. Which he did. So much . He needed her to know that he took it seriously.

He didn't have enough space or time to write "We haven't spoken about it yet, and I would love to, but not more than I love her, and if she doesn't want kids then that's okay and I'm still going to be here for it."

So he wrote the only thing he possibly could.

' I don't know'

"Okay, Thabi and James, flip your boards on three, two, one..."

They flipped their boards, and they both read a huge "YES"

They grinned at each other.

"Okay, and Bruno and Jas, I wonder what yours will say. Three, two, one..."

He flipped his, and everyone gasped.

But no one louder than Jas.

"Bruno... really? "

She looked devastated. She looked like she'd just had the rug pulled out from under her, rolled up, and smacked her across the face with it.

He looked down at her board.

She'd taken up nearly all of the available space.

A giant, massive, huge, underlined YES

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